
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Painting elf archers


While painting the elf druid, I decided to get all the lively green out of the way, so I also started working on the rest of the elves from the  Magic the Gathering: Arena of the Planeswalkers board game.


Prime in black.



Green basecoat for the cloth areas: capes, pants, trousers.

Brown basecoat for all the wood, leather and skin areas (everything else).

Skintone for the faces. Leather brown to pick out some details. On the quivers I just painted over the sculpted details. On the pieces of armor, I applied a thick edge highlight.

Bonewhite arrows.

Lastly, for the two guys without hoods, ochre hair.


I applied what I learned on the female elf archer and gave a sepia wash (Seraphim Sepia) to the green areas for some soft shadows.

Black wash on the arrows and the armored skirts. Basically any area that won't get a brown wash later on.

Fleshtone wash (Reikland Fleshshade) on the faces.

Brown wash (Agrax Earthshade) over the remaining leather and wood areas.


In retrospect I wasn't completely happy with the way the sepia wash affected the green cloak of the female elf, so I decided to try out some edge highlighting to increase contrast. I think it looks much better now.

Carefully edge highlight the face and the bonewhite arrow fletching.

Overbrush the hair with yellow. This gives it a blonde aspect.

Thin edge highlight with leather brown the areas that were painted with the same in the basecoating phase.

To pop out the details of the armor/skirt, I applied dots of brown to the center of each individual segment. A little time consuming, but it always pays off.


I decided to modify a bit my woodland basing technique (again). This time I settled halfway between the original look and the wildflowers on the base of the druid.

Start with the soil/grass combination.

Then apply the ornaments. I gave the bases a mix of bushes created from flocking using PVA glue, out-of-the-box artificial bushes, and wildflowers.


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