
Friday, January 20, 2017

Imperials vs Rebels, 17.01.2017

Points limit:  100 points


Imperials (100 points):

  • Darth Vader, crack shot, stealth device, advanced homing missiles
  • Howlrunner, crack shot
  • 3x Black Squadron Pilot, crack shot
The plan was to have a straight jousting match, with enough firepower (with rerolls and discarding the enemy's dodges) to destroy a couple of ships on the first turn, then roll with whatever I can get.

Rebels (100 points):

  • VCX-100: · "Chopper" (37) Enhanced Scopes (1) Anti Pursuit Laser (2) · "Zeb" Orrelios (1) 
  • Y-Wing: Gold Squadron Pilot (18) Twin Laser Turret (6) · R3-A2 (2) BTL-A4 Y-Wing (0) 
  • YT-2400: · Eaden Vrill (32) Smuggling Compartment (0) Black Market Slicer Tools (1)
A few large ships - exactly what I was unprepared for. The list, dubbed "the Stressinator" due to the signature Y-Wing build called "the Stressbot", was based on provoking as much stress in the enemy craft as possible, then getting bonuses because of it.


I deployed tight, for the upcoming straight-up shooting. The enemy ships, slow but maneuverable, deployed sideways and started off with slight turns, so as to move the least possible distance in the first turn.

Turn 1

I moved up 2, while the enemy ships maneuvered into starting position.

Turn 2

We got into maximum weapons range and a few shots were fired, to no effect.

Turn 3

And then it got ugly. Real fast. I was blocked in by the huge ships, couldn't do any actions - the lifeblood of the small, agile Tie craft. The missiles on Darth Vader were useless, with no target lock to fire them.

Concentrated fire blew Howlrunner out of the sky. I concentrated all my firepower on the huge ship blocking me, and it took a lot of hits - but it had enough shields and hull points to soak it up.

Turn 4

I tried to escape, but only one ship made it out of firing arc. In the mean time, you can see the stress in actin, with already 4 tokens on Darth Vader.

Then all ships concentrated on Vader, with double turret shots from the Y-wing getting plenty bonuses from the stress, and he was gone.

And that's game

I managed to break through, losing one more ship.

And then I had a single Tie Fighter remaining, chasing down the brick. The enemy ships couldn't maneuver fast enough, and I ran it down, destroying it. Then conceded.

Eh, it was still fun.

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