
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Daemons of Chaos vs Beastmen, 31.01.2017

Points: 1000

Deployment: Meeting engagement


Daemons of Chaos:

  • Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, general
  • Herald of Slaanesh, battle standard bearer, War Banner (+1 combat resolution), Locus of Swiftness (Always Strikes First)
  • 20-man Daemonettes, full command, Banner of Swiftness (+1 movement)
  • 5-man Seekers of Slaanesh, champion, standard
  • 5-man Flesh Hounds, ambushers
I wanted to try out something new. I planned to pincer or at least double-charge the enemy with the Daemonette block and the Daemon Prince, with the war banner giving enough static resolution to pad out the damage caused by the monster. No wizards though.


  • Beastlord: heavy armor, additional hand weapon, Potion of Foolhardiness, general
  • Bray-Shaman, level 2, lore of beasts: Wyssan's Wildform, The Curse of Anraheir
  • Wargor, Battle Standard Bearer
  • 30-man Gor Herd, full command, additional hand weapons
  • 27-man Gor Herd, full command, additional hand weapons
  • 2x 1-boar Razorgor Herd 
Two blocks of very killy infantry (lots and lots of attacks) and two Razorgors as chaff.


I won the deployment roll and placed my Daemon Prince in cover, with the two fast units on the flanks. I decided to vanguard my Seekers backwards to avoid the Razorgor hiding in the forest. Beastlord and BSB in the right unit, shaman in the left unit.

Turn 1, Daemons

I made the charge on the left flank into the Razorgor. Lost one Flesh Hound, but won combat and let it flee off the table.

Consolidated my positioning in the center.

Turn 1, Beastmen

Failed charge into my Daemonette block.

Other gor unit moved forward, the shaman cursed the Seekers but I dispelled the Wildform.

Turn 2, Daemons

Charge! Daemon Prince and Daemonette block into the Gors.
Lost two Seekers to the curse, but managed to march them out of charge arc and into position to maybe help out the combat next turn. Hounds advanced to do the same.

Combat went fairly well, although the Daemon Prince failed at his rolls and only killed 3 gors (stomps included). Issued a challenge with my champion to protect the Herald, and managed to draw in the Beastlord. Herald killed the BSB by attacking it directly. I won combat but the gors were steadfast.

Turn 2, Beastmen

Other gor unit face the combat. Razorgor moves in to help next turn. The shaman successfully cast both the Curse on the Daemonettes and Wildform on the gors in combat.

Accordingly, this time combat was a disaster. I accepted the Beastlord's challenge with the Daemon Prince, but only managed to inflict 2 out of 3 wounds, rolling double ones on stomps, and receiving 2 wounds in return. Daemonettes were wounding on 6's. I lost badly, with the Daemon Prince phasing out (sheesh) and the Daemonette unit decimated.

Turn 3, Daemons

I tried a last trick, by charging the Hounds into the flank and sacrificing the Seekers to redirect the other gor unit, just in case I survive. I didn't. The Herald survived by being in a challenge with the gor champion (barely managed to kill him), but the gors inflicted enough wounds to phase out the hounds.

I conceded.


To be honest, my Daemon Prince failed horribly in combat. Had he done more wounds, or even killed the Beastlord in the second turn, it might have gone differently. Combat dice were awesome for the gors, killing lots of Daemonettes each turn.
On the other hand, I had no magic defense, and the Beastmen had free reign in the second turn, when the winds of magic rolled 11. That was definitely a big hole in this list.

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