
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Painting a modern sorceress


My DnD group contains a 16 year old fire sorceress, with a rebel spirit and a red dress.

The original miniature

The sculpt is so nice that I had to capture the original state of the miniature: Jynx from Hasslefree Miniatures.


Prime in white, due to all the bright colors I imagined her in.


The process was erratic. As she has similar color on her different areas, I frequently went back and forth, using up remaining colors on the palette, mixing up new shades, etc. To make sense of the steps below: 
  • layer the dress from dark to bright red
  • feather the vest (as per the red cloth painting tip)
  • red hair on orange basecoat for a strawberry red effect


I tried to go for a layered approach for the dress, so I started with a dark reddish color - 2:1:1 gore red, black, brown. I then added orange to the mix and painted the hair.

Continue with the hair

Crimson wash (Carroburg crimson).

Then use a bit of remaining dark orange for the first drybrush.

Jump back and forth...

Mix 2:1 gore red and black, and apply the second layer to the dress, to about 90% of all previously painted areas.

Drybrush the hair with orange.

And another layer of drybrush.

While the red areas dry, paint the stocking dark green, then highlight with light green.

Dark red layers

Apply the third layer, gore red, to the dress, to about 90% of the previous layer.

I thought the hair wasn't red enough (too much on the orange side), so I did a very light red drybrush.

Finally, basecoated the vest with the same gore red.

The fourth layer on the dress, this time with bright blood red, only applied to the raised surfaces now.

Consolidate the coloring on the vest with a second layer of gore red.

Begin the highlighting with the red/black feathering.

Finish the dress

The final layer, this time a slight highlight on about one third to half of the raised areas, with bright orange.

But when it dried, I wasn't happy with the too stark contrast, so I bathed the dress in crimson wash to shade it red and mesh the colors together.

Finish the vest

Start the feathering from the raised areas now, with a 1:1 gore red/blood red mix. Then edge highlight blood red.

And now I'm done with all the red... whew. Start with the brown.


Highlight most of the boots in leather brown, especially the upper parts.

Mesh it together with Agrax Earthshade.

Edge highlight again with leather brown.

Skin, face, wristguards

Skintone basecoat.

Reikland Fleshshade wash on the all the skin areas.

White basecoat on the areas that need it: the wristguards, vest sleeves, eyes.

Skintone highlight for the pale flesh effect. Seraphim sepia wash on the white wristguards, going for the worn, faded white cloth appearance.

Bonewhite highlight on the cloth.

The eyes were way too small for effective eyeballs, so I applied the black wash more generously and decided to call it a day. It seems like she's squinting - perfectly illustrating concentration for her spellcasting.



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