
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Daemons of Chaos vs Ogre Kingdoms, 07.03.2017

Points: 1500

Deployment: Meeting engagement


Daemons of Chaos:

  • Daemon Prince of Nurgle, general, level 2 wizard (Fleshy Abundance, Stream of Corruption), lesser gift (Always Strikes First), Chaos Armor (4+)
  • Herald of Nurgle, BSB, level 1 wizard: Fleshy Abundance
  • Herald of Nurgle, level 1 wizard: Plague Wind
  • 30-man Plaguebearers, full command, Banner of Eternal Flame
  • Beast of Nurgle
  • 5-man Chaos Furies
  • Soul Grinder, Phlegm Bombardment

With more points available, I decided on a beefed up Daemon Prince and lots of wizards to counter the Ogre magic. I also heard of their Trollguts spell, so I included the magic banner of flaming attacks.

Ogre Kingdoms:

  • Slaughtermaster, general, level 3 wizard (The Maw, Toothcracker, Trollguts), dispel scroll
  • Bruiser, BSB, Crown of Command
  • Firebelly, level 1 wizard (Firecloak)
  • 15-man Gnoblars, trappers
  • 8-man Ogres, champion, standard bearer, Ironfists
  • 3-man Leadbelchers
  • 2-man Mournfang Cavalry, Dragonhide Banner
  • 2x Sabretusk
  • Thundertusk

We agreed beforehand to do a good old fashioned monster fight - hence the Grinder and the Thundertusk. 


I won the roll-off for deployment. My non-BSB hero got left out, everybody else on the table. The Mournfang also did not make it for deployment.

I wanted to unleash at least a Plague Wind on the big Ogre unit before they get toughed up - but the opponent rolled a 6 and got first turn.

Ogre Kingdoms, turn 1

The Mournfang arrived on the far right side, ready to clear out the Furies or double-charge the Plaguebearers. Everything else moved up, with one Sabretusk blocking the Ogres from being charged.
Leadbelchers shot the Beast of Nurgle (no effect). Thundertusk shot the Plaguebearers (scatterred off). The wizards got off most of their spells, but neither came into play - yet.

Daemons, turn 1

I attempted to charge the Beast of Nurgle into the Leadbelchers, but failed the 8 inches.
Plaguebearers reform to possibly take a charge next turn. Herald walks on and joins them.
Furies move in to block the Thundertusk.
Daemon Prince moves to rear-charge the Thundertusk if possible or at least do a spell on it.
Weak magic turn, got off only Flesh Abundance on the Beast.
Grinder shot the Thundertusk, hit it with S3, got in a wound.

Ogre Kingdoms, turn 2

The Mournfang failed their charge into the flank of the Plaguebearers. Looking back, this was actually lucky, as I probably would have won through static combat resolution.
Thundertusk charged the Furies, as expected.
Sabretusks surround the Daemon Prince.
Leadbelchers shoot, to no effect.

Furies die, as expected.

Thundertusk overruns into the Grinder. Then proceeded to stay in there for the rest of the game. Well worth the stone thrower upgrade on the Grinder.

Daemons, turn 2

Plaguebearers and Daemon Prince charge into the Ogre unit. I saw a chance and took it. 
Beast of Nurgle fails a 6 inch charge into the Leadbelchers.

Weak magic phase again, didn't get off anything useful. On to combat.
Both sides did surprisingly little damage. The Daemon Prince did 0 wounds, even with rerolling hits (proud of you, big guy!). The Ogres flailed around with little effect, given -1 to hit and T4 on the Plaguebearers. I won combat, but they were Stubborn, so nothing happened.
The monsters in combat did no wounds to each other (thanks to Trollguts on the Thundertusk).

Ogre Kingdoms, turn 3

The do-or-die moments for the Ogres. Mournfang charge in to flank the Plaguebearers. Sabretusk charges the Daemon Prince from behind for more combat resolution.

I lost combat due to lots of Plaguebearers dying to the Mournfang. I was also down 1 wound on the Daemon Prince. Again, I rolled poorly, but at least I got the Sabretusk with my Stomps and managed to deny the combat resolution of being charged from behind. The Ogre characters in the front row were now sufficiently weakened, but neither died.
I took some chances, rerolling Daemonic Instability, but managed to keep my general alive and only loose a few Plaguebearers.
The monsters each inflicted 1 wound to each other, tying combat.

Daemons, turn 3

Moved the Beast of Nurgle finally out of the way of the Leadbelchers and to charging position.
Lost a lot of Plaguebearers this turn, and still no end in sight to the grind.

Ogre Kingdoms, turn 4

With the Plaguebearers refusing to die, everything that could charged in. Gnoblars and Sabretusk move into the Daemon Prince.
And then everything crumbled.
Both the Ogre General and the BSB died this turn.
The Thundertusk lost combat by 1, and with no Inspiring Presence and reroll, lost combat, and was run down by the Grinder.
The large combat was also lost (my Daemon Prince killed the Sabretusk and 1 Gnoblar, yay for him), and all units fled. I chased down the big unit...

... and that was game.


The Ogres are very, very tough, especially if they get off their spells.
Then again, Nurgle units are also very, very tough - but less killy than the Ogres.
Luck was a big factor in this game, with failed charges for the Mournfang, weak magic phases for me, the Daemon Prince doing almost no damage, the monsters flailing at each other to no effect.
In the end, it was all we could do to send in everything into the grind and hope the Dice Gods smile our way. And they did...

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