
Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Tournament: Daemons/Word Bearers vs Ynnari

Mission: Fury of the Storm

A mission adapted from Wrath of Magnus, replacing the Thousand Sons with Daemons. I deployed in the middle of the board, in a 9" radius from the middle; the opponent deployed anywhere else; and I had first turn. My objective was to have at least 1 psyker alive at the end of the game. The opponent's objective was to kill all my psykers.
A fun addition was that all my psykers exploded when killed, doing d6 S6 AP1 wounds in a d6" radius.

Of course we realized that this could become one-sided real fast, so I decided to put up a real fight and assault the enemy troops instead of hiding.


The cavalry bases represent my Aegis Defense Line (as I asked for one for the duration of the tournament, but haven't received it yet at this point). Cultists form a wall behind the ADL with Sorcerers attached. Horrors form a second wall. Kairos and the Screamerstar inside.

Kabalites in the ruins bottom right; everything else is up top.

Daemons, turn 1

One Sorcerer jumps out to the left, heading towards the Kabalites. The Screamerstar heads out towards the center ruin, while Kairos flies towards the large ruin housing the D-batteries.

The Sorcerer summons Daemonettes.

Kairos bombards the artillery. The Screamerstar shoots at the troops in the center ruin, then slashes the artillery.
The Horrors summon a Burning Chariot (proxied by this Skullcannon) that shoots at the center ruin.
At this point I didn't quite grasp the power of Soulburst, as all my attacks miraculously left 1 or 2 models alive. The jetbike finally got a free action when the chariot shot the Kabalites next to it. It tried to go into dangerous terrain, hoping to die and give the artillery a free shot, but it survived.

Ynnari, turn 1

The psychic death star moves in from the corner, getting all buffed up. However, in a rare stroke of luck (for me), the Farseer casting Sanctuary peril'd and forgot Gate of Infinity.

Shooting and assault combined got rid of the chariot.

Daemons, turn 2

You can never have enough Burning Chariots.

"Do you want to deny that Psychic Scream?" "Nah, it always rolls terrible. The artillery will be fine". - final words just before I inflicted 8 wounds and killed most of the D-batteries.

I followed up with a multi-assault, tying up 3 units with my Screamerstar - Kabalites, the remaining artillery, as well as the one surviving jetbike. I managed to get locked in combat, with only the artillery running.

Ynnari, turn 2

... and what I didn't capture from the previous turn was a couple of summoning effects. With Cursed Earth Up, I called in Daemonettes to help stall the Seerstar, Bloodletters to limit the places where the Wraithguard can deep strike, and a Bloodthirster for good measure. I also got a free unit of Brimstone Horrors from the warp storm.

Of course, with the Wraithguard entering and the Seers advancing, most things won't survive long...

... as evidenced by the lack of chariots and bloodthirsters in this picture.

But at least my Screamers and Kairos were safe. Due to all the shooting/soulburst combos as well as the psykers exploding, a good chunk of my inner circle was also cleared out.

Daemons, turn 3

I rearranged my ranks and summoned in more troops.
I charged the Screamerstar into the Seers, hoping to tie them up. I did, with no casualties inflicted on either side (obviously). I didn't know that they had the Hit and Run rule - alas, the test was failed and we were stuck in combat.
I also tried to double-charge the Wraithguard, but both Cultists and Bloodletters failed.

Ynnari, turn 3

At this point, there were only the Seers (locked in combat) and the Wraiths on the board, so my opponents was limited.

Daemons, turn 4

... but I wasn't, and I swarmed the Wraithguard with all the troops.

Ynnari, turn 4

Of course, the Seerstar by itself was a formidable unit, and it cleared the "courtyard" by itself.

All my Horrors and Heralds vanished, as well as the Cultists and attached Sorcerer.

But that also meant lots of explosions... leaving only a couple of models alive in the star. At this point they turned tail and ran away.

Turn 5

I did my best to table my opponent, but the Seers still had buffs up, and I barely had any warp charges left, so 2 models were left alive to rally at the start of the opposing player's turn. The game ended at the end of turn 5.


The mission itself was an uphill battle for the Ynnari, with 2 nearly untouchable units roaming the battlefield on my side. I could have easily just hid and run, and summoned more and more Pink Horrors. With their split rule, I might have managed to get enough psykers on the board so as to surely deny a victory. Alas, I opted for a fun battle, and we both had a good time, with dice and explosions killing lots of models on both sides.

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