
Thursday, April 6, 2017

M.A.G.U.S. - Exploring the Melford cave (1)

The aftermath of the murder

The town guard took away the culprits, and announced the trial three days hence. The adventurers were requested to participate as witnesses. They voiced too conflicting opinions: 1) that means they have to accomplish something during those 3 days 2) why would they care about this forsaken village and their measly trial?

It took some discussion, but they decided to stay.
First, they traveled to the nearest village, to talk to their contact. They brought him up to speed, and he left with his men to defend and take over the spider farm.
Then they returned to Melford, and looked around the now empty tavern and Beekeeper's for anything not bolted down (thus lootable).
Finally, just in case, they strolled down to the spider farm, to make sure everything is in order (plus, free meals and beds).

After so much wasted time, I decided to cut the trial short. Two priestess came from the nearby Shrine of the Oracle. The younger one lead the trial, and interrogated the culprits and the witnesses. Near the end, the elder high priestess called on her magic to make sure everything said was true and fair, and announced the verdict and sentence. Then she invited the adventurers to the shrine, a few days hence.

The Shrine of the Oracle

The adventurers showed neither interest nor respect towards the shrine. The high priestess hired them to explore a nearby cave, where another adventuring party had disappeared two weeks before. A long argument followed regarding the quantity and quality of payment...

First descent into the cave

The barbarian tracked the previous party. Against all my expectations, they followed the tracks without error, never straying to explore side caverns. They descended deep into the cavernous system, finally discovering the remains of their peers in a dark chamber. The previous adventurers had run into a trap, and were snatched up by a giant net. Thus they were defenseless, and were devoured by the denizens of the cave (which included giant bugs, one of which was found dead some distance back, killed by the other party).
The adventurers then gathered the remains, and retreated from the cave.

Camp outside the cave

It was getting dark, so the adventurers set camp outside the cave. A few bad rolls later, they were beset by wolves, who tried to rob them of the tasty, rotting fleshy remains.

Naturally, a couple of wolves had no chance against a party of well equipped adventurers, although they did manage to tear out a good chunk of the sleeping assassin's shoulder - right before they were slaughtered and roasted over the campfire.

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