
Monday, April 10, 2017

Painting a Halfling Assassin


Originally intended for a DnD character (the player dropped out in the mean time), this little guy will be a perfect villain somewhere in the future.


In black.


Start with the cloak, as per the painting tip.

Painting skin

As usual, basecoat in skintone. I undercoated white beforehand to make sure it covered the black primer.

Wash with Reikland Fleshshade.

I wanted his skin to be paler, so I highlighted most of it with the original skintone.

Painting metals

The knife gets the usual treatment: gunmetal basecoat, black wash, silver highlight.

I decided to do the cloth trimming in gold (red would have been fine too). So basecoat in gold:

Then wash in Reikland Fleshshade and gold drybrush. This gives it a much better tone than black wash.


As usual, white eyeballs.

Black wash on the eyeballs, then white again in the middle.

A dot of black for the iris.


Wooden floor base, as per the painting tip.

This is the first miniature where I tried my hand at pinning. I figured that a bit of glue on painted plastic won't hold the metal mini. To help with that, I drilled holes in both the base and the miniature.

Then I glued a piece of wire into the hole.

Finally put glue on the top and glue the mini in place.


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