
Monday, July 31, 2017

M.A.G.U.S. - treasure island (2)


The evening and night passed without incident. Valeria enchanted Athosian so that she would not need to sleep; and the thief kept watch while the others rested and recuperated after a hard day.

In the morning, preparations could being in earnest, by meditation and restoration of health. Shamil explored their surroundings from a bird's eye view (literally), but found no man-made structures. Their only way forward was opening the large door.

The magical door

Honestly, I hate puzzles. And for this door, not one of its four seals could be opened by any in-game mechanic (though we tried physical attacks, spells and alchemical acid). I mostly sat out this part, and was only useful by being the first one attacked by the door, thus discovering just how dangerous this puzzle would be. I was frequently reminded of my uselessness by my sweet, sweet party members, who then proceeded to quaff my healing potions left and right :-)

Fortunately everyone else seemed to enjoy the puzzle, and I'm not telling anything about it, as I might use it in a future campaign.


The door opened in a perfectly round chamber, with an altar surrounded by columns. The iconography of Arel, the goddess of nature provided no clue to Valeria. Fortunately, the eagle eyed party discovered the wind blowing from under the altar, and so Shamil and Biznard pushed the thing away, revealing the chamber underneath.

Chamber of Wind

There were no stairs, so Athosian was lowered by rope. The round chamber featured 4 lenses and 4 windows, through which the wind was blowing stronger and stronger. Everyone else was already down and mucking about with the rotating doors around the chamber, and I was just thinking of getting down myself, when the chamber's guardian made its appearance, and we were faced with an air elemental!

The elemental attacked immediately, making full use of the terrain features. Lenses were rotated to focus the light, burning their targets. Doors were flung about, hitting the adventurers and knocking them about. Nope, let's observe this from above...


It was getting late, so we ended the game mid-battle. I was itching to continue and give that elemental a taste of magical lightning!

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