
Saturday, July 1, 2017

Painting light Plaguebearers


The final batch of Plaguebearers to be painted. I decided on a light, greenish color scheme, to offset the previous batch of dark brown models.


Prime in white, to help with the lightness of the color scheme.

Painting the skin

Basecoat in a light fleshtone. Vallejo Heavy Warmgrey should be the equivalent of Citadel Rakarth Flesh, but the tone came out a bit warmer.

Dilute Athonian Camoshade with medium and paint overall to tint the basecoat. This will be the base tone of the skin.

Dilute Druchii Violet with medium and paint in and around the recesses.

Carroburg Crimson in and around recessed sores, pimples, guts.

Highlight to reestablish the original fleshtone and lighten it up. First highlight: original heavy warmgrey; second highlight: warmgrey + bonewhite; third highlight: warmgrey + white.

They look pretty sick as-is, but I prefer a slightly greenish look, so dilute Camoshade again and wash overall.

Talk about color variation!

Guts and pimples

For a suitably disgusting look, keep the innards in the fleshtone color region. Basecoat with elf skintone.

Generously wash the guts with Carroburg crimson. Also add a bit on and around the pimples.

Highlight the pimples with yellow, by adding a bit on top of each.


I experimented with dark purple tongues before, but again I decided to keep it more lively this time.

Basecoat warlord purple.

Wash druchii violet.

Highlight squid pink.

Teeth and bones

Basecoat brown. This includes teeth in mouths, guts, as well as exposed bones in tears in the flesh.

Paint over with bonewhite.

Wash sepia.

Highlight bonewhite

Finishing touch

Fresh innards are of course wet, so paint a thin layer of Nurgle's Rot over all the exposed guts. Put a bit in between the teeth that are in the stomach area. Put a bit on the lower end of any large tears and wounds.


I did my usual eye-painting routine, but using only greens. Basecoat the eyeballs scorpion green.

Wash biel-tan.

Add a drop of scorpion green in the middle.

One model had bug eyes. I did these grey on a previous occasion, so this time I went for something different.
Basecoat bloody red.

Wash crimson.

Add a bit of highlight right in the middle of each eye with bloody red.


Yes, they have bling. Corroded, of course. Basecoat bronze.

Usually I do corroded bronze in more steps, but I skipped some due to this area being really small. Cover in Nihilakh Oxide.

Highlight bronze.


Rusted weapons, as per the painting tip.


For the first time, I tried my luck with sculpted bases. I decided on doing parched earth with slime in the cracks.

Start by basecoating brown.

Darken up with Agrax Earthshade.

Apply black wash in the cracks, as well as on the walls of the large depressions.

To lighten up the surface, drybrush with the original brown.

Second, lighter drybrush with brown/ochre mixed.

Edge highlight ochre.

Light yellow edge highlight on just a few of the edges.

Bonewhite basecoat on the skulls in the earth.

Wash sepia.

Wash in the recesses (eye sockets, teeth, noses) with agrax earthshade.

Black wash in the deepest recesses. Bonewhite edge highlight.

Paint the cracks in between the skulls green.

I realized earlier that the coat of matt varnish I gave the models killed the shine of the Nurgle's Rot. So before finishing the base, I glued on the models, and varnished the bases. Then I applied Nurgle's Rot into all the recesses in the base where I had previously painted green. I also reapplied it to the guts to bring back the shine.


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