
Thursday, August 3, 2017

M.A.G.U.S. - treasure island (3) - season finale


After a short pause we jumped right back into the action, but only three of us, this time. Biznard's player had to take some off, but the clock was ticking for all of us, so we decided on finishing our adventures. I took over controlling the barbarian.

The chamber of wind (continuation)

We carried on where we left off. The adventurers on the ground busied themselves by blocking the rotating doors, while the elemental harried them with light, wind and fists. I couldn't reach it with any useful spells, so I levitated down myself... and blasted it with lightning in the meantime.

In the end, our combined attacks brought it down, and we left through an open door.

Chamber of water

We obviously didn't get far without trouble. The road was blocked by a waterfall. Luckily there was a rock ledge leading through, and we made our way secured by rope.

We found ourselves in another round chamber, in ankle-deep water. I lighted up some flame bugs... and the chamber's guardian made its immediate appearance.

The water elemental attacked by freezing the water around us. The fighters spent some time breaking out of the ice...

The elemental hid behind a wall of ice to escape Athosian's arrows and Valeria's lightning bolts.

The girls were harried by a multitude of ice spears, but they did not run away, instead keeping on firing. The elemental was finally beaten into the ground by the barbarian.

Chamber of magma

The next chamber had its floor caved in, allowing us to see the lava flow underneath... and the huge monster bathing in it. At least, this is what the brave, brave Athosian told us while checking out stuff from the ledge.

The thief and the assassin jumped around in an acrobatic fashion, while the elemental threw flaming balls of lava at them.

Athosian ran into a corridor, ending up on a higher level from where to pepper the elemental from relative safety.

Shamil sought safety in another corridor, while Biznard and Valeria were floating down from above. They received flaming projectiles to the face, ruining the fashionable travel clothes worn by the witch.

Biznard covered their escape... smashing the elemental to bits with his hammer. Again.


The corridors lead into a comfortable, but abandoned apartment. The outer chambers hid kitchens, toilet, bedroom and pantry. We did not enter the central chamber, preferring to rest, recuperate, meditate and brew some health potions first.

In the morning, we entered the central chamber fully rested...

... but only after I erected some dice shrines, for luck.

The chamber - once an alchemist's laboratory - contained an impossibly marble sculpture of an old man, with an altar in front of him. First, we looted the lab and the adjacent library. I opened up a dimensional door to the beach in the antechamber. Then and only then did we lifted the cover on the altar. We found four elemental entities to bargain with... obviously animating the statue. The wizard, long ago turned to stone, thought us thieves and attacked. We hit him with everything we had, and he teleported away, accepting defeat.


We weren't surprised at all to find the sailors (pirates?) setting a trap for us on the beach... in fact, we surprised them, by walking out the dimensional door opening up on a nearby cliff. I had prepared to use all sorts of mind-influencing spells... but the close combat situation called for a pillar of fire. The results were positive.


We managed to eliminate the officers on the beach, and the crew accepted the change of upper management. We made our escape from the exploding island, and the large shadow taking flight from the mountain peak...

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