
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Repainting the Armor of Lancelot from the Shadows over Camelot boardgame


Not bad, but it looks like I got stuck at the basecoat - no washes or highlights.

Enhance the armor

Again, I wanted to depart from the old gunmetal-black wash-silver color scheme. I tried blue/green before, and this time I went for blue/violet.

Start by washing with Druchii Violet. I also applied this to the bronze parts.

Gunmetal highlights to reestablish the base tone. At this point I realized that I should have diluted the Druchii Violet with medium, as the shadows were way too stark.

Superhighlight with Chainmail Silver.

Give the metal a bluish tinge by diluting Guilliman Blue with medium and giving an overall wash.

Highlight again with silver.

Enhance the cloak

Highlight the folds with Magic Blue.

Small superhighlights with Electric Blue.

Bronze highlights

Highlight the crest, the rim of the shield, and the bronze scrollwork around the armor.

Helmet plume

Basecoat Stonewall Grey.

Highlight in white.


Establish the base colors and fix the basecoat: Gunmetal and bronze.

Overall wash in Agrax Earthshade.

Gunmetal and bronze highlights.

All that remains is to highlight the leather straps and the sword handle in Leather Brown.


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