
Friday, August 18, 2017

Repainting the siege engines from the Shadows over Camelot boardgame

a.k.a. King Arthur's parking lot

With the paint chipped in several places, as well as some wheels not painted, I started by fixing the basecoat. I don't know what paints I originally used, so I just went over the wood with Heavy Brown and over the wheels and stone projectiles with Stonewall Grey.

These are really small and unimportant game pieces, so I did not want to spend a lot of time on them. An overall wash with Agrax Earthshade brings out the wooden planks, shades the grey parts and separates the two nicely.

Finally, highlight the grey parts with the same grey. Just dab a spot on each stone, and edge the upper parts of the wheels in a simple zenital highlight.

Varnish for extra protection and we're done.


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