
Friday, September 29, 2017

Chaos vs Blood Angels, 2017.09.17


Chaos Daemons: 

  • Battalion Detachment +3 CP
    • Daemon Prince of Nurgle (CD), wings, warp bolter, double malefic talons
    • Herald of Nurgle
    • 30-man Plaguebearers, icon, instrument
    • 3-man Nurglings
    • 10-man Brimstone Horrors
  • Patrol Detachment: Death Guard
    • Daemon Prince, wings, warp bolter, double malefic talons
    • 10-man Cultists
  • Supreme Command Detachment: Legion Word Bearers +1 CP
    • Chaos Lord: jump pack, power sword, combi plasma, warlord: The voice of Lorgar
    • Sorcerer: jump pack, force staff, combi plasma, Mark of Tzeentch, relic: Eye of Tzeentch
    • Daemon Prince of Nurgle, wings, warp bolter, daemonic axe
    • 8-man Chaos Terminators, combi plasmas, power fists

Blood Angels: 

  • Vanguard Detachment +1 CP
    • Dante, warlord
    • 5-man Assault Terminators with thunderhammer/stormshield
    • 5-man Terminators
    • Death Company Dreadnought
    • Storm Raven
  • Spearhead Detachment +1CP 
    • Sanduinary Priest: jump pack
    • Land Raider
    • Predator Annihilator
    • 5-man Devastators, 4 Lascannons


We played the first ETC mission: Contact Lost + Retrieval, Spearhead Assault deployment.

This is the entire Blood Angels deployment, with the Dreadnought in the Raven and everything else in reserve.

I placed my Daemon Princes in a circle of Plaguebearers, with Horrors on right flank, Nurglings ahead and Cultists holding the ruin far back. Word Bearers in reserve.

I obviously finished last.

Blood Angels, turn 1

Terminators came down with Dante and the Sanguinary Priest (hiding behind the ruin) right next to the Stormraven, forming a convenient firebase near my lines. Of course, my list is conceived not to give any good targets first turn. Some Nurglings did die, and a lot of Brimstones too - they eventually fled in the morale phase, denying Overwhelming Firepower.

Chaos, turn 1

The tide of daemons surges towards the Blood Angels. I intended to assault with my Plaguebearers first to eat the overwatch in case they make it, but I also moved the Nurglings in so they would be closest if the charges failed, instead of the Daemon Princes.

The Word Bearers then dropped down in the Blood Angel back lines.

Smites and Warp Bolters chipped away at the Raven and dropped a Terminator.

The Terminators got both Warptime and Prescience, moving in on the vehicles and unleashing a hail of plasma fire, crippling the Predator and weakening the Raider.

The characters shot at the Devastators. For an additional CP, I also cast Smite with the Sorcerer, taking them out. The terminators then charged, losing one of their number to lascannon overwatch. They failed to kill anything in the fight phase, but at least both vehicles were tied up.

The Plaguebearers failed their charge, but two Daemon Prince got into the Raven and took it out (1 CP reroll was needed on the axe wounding).

Blood Angels, turn 2

The Assault Terminators came down, while everything else bore down on the Daemon Princes.

The Terminators, Dante, the Priest and the Dreadnought made their close charges, with only the Assault Terminators hanging back - giving Behind Enemy Lines.

Dante intended to smash a Daemon Prince to bits. Luckily, Nurgle protects.

I then interrupted with the other Prince, laying in with the talons into the Terminators, killing two.

The Dreadnought did manage to kill his target, but surviving Dante at least meant that he could not consolidate into the other Prince.

The Land Raider fell back, but the Predator meant to hold the objective. The Terminators showed it the error of its ways.

Chaos, turn 2

The Daemon Prince locked in combat fell back, just in case, but everything went well. The Plaguebearers charged in, locking everything down, then taking a pummeling from Dante and the Dreadnought, but holding on. The other dual-talon-wielding Prince charged in, destroying the Terminators. My own Terminators destroyed the Land Raider in a hail of plasma - once again having both Warp Time and Prescience.

Turn 3

With nothing to move, the Angels fought on. However, by the time my own turn started, I was ahead on points (thanks to the Word Bearers scoring some objectives in the back field), both Terminator squads and the Sanguinary Priest were dead to Smite (Dante too, I think) - and I remembered that I still had 300+ points for summoning. As I laid out the boundaries for my 30-man Bloodletter squad to land, my opponent conceded. I later realized that I messed up - daemons of Nurgle can't summon Bloodletters - but at this point, I could have summoned anything. The battle was done.


The Blood Angels took a brutal beating, and I realized just how efficient my list was.
Not offering any worthwhile targets in the first turn made the 12 lascannons present almost useless, and denied any advantage in going second.
The 3 Daemon Princes did not do as well as I hoped, barely taking down a Raven with a CP reroll. But having 3 of them did count, and the sheer number of high damage attacks took its toll.
The combo of psychic powers and Chaos Lord with extended aura made the termies almost always hit with all their plasma and be immune to supercharging, while also packing a punch in melee.
Of course, this was a training game. I haven't played in a long while, and made lots of mistakes. There was lots of going back on both sides, weighing and measuring, mistaking and forgiving in a friendly atmosphere.

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