
Monday, September 11, 2017

Converting a Great Unclean Once/Daemon Prince of Nurgle


I have a Goblin King (from The Hobbit miniatures game) which I use mostly as a Daemon Prince of Nurgle, and occasionally, as a Great Unclean One. Besides nurglifying the model, I decided to magnetize some wings and a tail on him, so that it will be clear what exactly does he represent on the tabletop.

Icon in hand

The original isn't shown, but the Goblin King is supposed  to hold a stick with a cow skull on the end. I replaced the skull with a Plaguebearer unit standard.

Inserting magnets into the body

As usual, drill the holes. This model presented some difficulty due to being hollow on the inside, so I inserted extra green stuff to make sure that the magnets are well in place.

Inserting a magnet into the tail

This was simple enough. The tail is thick enough to support drilling a hole. The trick was to let the green stuff in the body solidify first. Then I could make sure that the tail fits perfectly.

Magnetizing the wings

First, I attached magnets to the wings using a bit of green stuff. Of course it did not hold, so I just let the magnets and the green stuff rest on the back, then dipped the wing joint in water and held it fast to the magnet, then pulled away once the green stuff was molded to the wing.

Then I could use super glue to attach the green stuff to the wing.


I attached even more green stuff to the wings, but it still did not hold as well as I wanted. I took some time off to think about it.

Nurglifying the body

The distinct pieces of the mini did not fit perfectly, so I played around with some green stuff to 1) cover up the joints 2) create more texture on the model.

To improve the model's nurgliness, I created 2 large texture areas. On the belly:

And on the left shoulder. Both are marked with the 3-pronged symbol of Nurgle. I hope to do a separate, extended tutorial on these soon.

Continued wings

I added strings of green stuff to the wing joints, simulating cords of muscle.

The solution then dawned on me: unite the wing joints! This enables the two magnets to join forces, thus holding the wings better in place.

Like so:

Magnetized bases

As usual, the model needs to be ready for Warhammer 40K as well as Warhammer Fantasy, so I created a magnetized square and round base. For the mini, this means two more magnets drilled into the feet:

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