
Monday, September 25, 2017

Daemon Prince replacement horn

For some reason, my Daemon Prince loves losing one of his horns. This is actually the second time I am replacing it.

Modelling the horn

The first time I used green stuff, and now, milliput. Looking back, I recommend green stuff for modelling work such as this, as it is easier to handle. Milliput loves clinging to my fingers a lot more.

Anyway, create a conical shape, then press the base to the mini. Then use a tooth pick to create grooves at the base of the horn, imitating those sculpted on the other horns.

Painting the horn

I now use washes to paint bone and horns but I did not want the replacement horn to look out of place. So I used the original technique.

Heavy Brown basecoat.

Mix Bonewhite into Heavy Brown and layer the horn, painting less the lighter the color, towards the tip.

Final highlights in pure Bonewhite.

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