
Monday, September 18, 2017

Painting a sculpted base for a Great Unclean One/Daemon Prince of Nurgle


After a first incursion into working with sculpted bases, I decided to explore this territory more with a corpse field base intended for my Great Unclean One/Daemon Prince of Nurgle conversion.


No picture of the original, but here it is primed in black.

Painting the ground

I was going for a desiccated type of ground.

Leave the black primer as a basecoat, and apply a heavy Dark Fleshtone drybrush.

Apply a lighter Khaki drybrush.

Generously wash Agrax Earthshade.

Light drybrush again with Khaki.

This leaves a simplistic but rich enough color scheme, from the dark recesses up to the light raised areas. All details are highlighted but nothing is overdone.

Painting the corpses

I googled for "desiccated corpse" and was surprised at the results. Don't do it unless you have a strong stomach. So anyway, it looks like the process does strange things to a human body and leaves it in a variedly colored state. I tried to reproduce that.

Basecoat grey. Don't worry about slopping over to the base around the corpses, as this gives the impression that the corpses are already decomposing and sinking into the ground, or perhaps melding with it.

Overall wash with Agrax Earthshade. This sets the basetone.

Now apply different washes successively. Apply them only to parts of the corpses, sometimes overlapping, for maximum color variation.

Seraphim Sepia:

Fuegan Orange:

Carroburg Crimson:

Cassandora Yellow:

Lamenters Yellow:

Agrax Earthshade and black wash. This time concentrate them on the broken off and decomposing end bits, such as that open stomach, necks, etc.

Now for some edge highlights here and there, to accentuate some raised details.

Heavy Brown and Khaki:

Heavy Orange and Orange Fire:

Painting the worms

All the more disturbing to have these creatures stand out in the middle of these brownish fields.

Basecoat Warlord Purple.

Accentuate each second segment with Squid Pink.

Wash Carroburg Crimson:

Accentuate each second already highlighted segment with Squid Pink:


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