
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Skulls and bone

Basecoat in Bonewhite.

Wash Seraphim Sepia.

Wash the recesses in Agrax Earthshade. This step depends very much on the positioning of the skulls. I usually do the eyesockets and teeth to pop them out, and then depending on how the skulls stand I do the parts that would be in shadow. In the example below I did the lower halves of each skull (near the ground).
If the skulls are larger (or there are plenty of them), use black wash on about 30-50% of the areas washed in Agrax. In the example below, I did parts of the ribcages and the lower third of each skull (near the ground).

Finally, edge highlight in Bonewhite. This almost always includes the forehead, brows, nose and cheekbones. In the example below, I highlighted any edge that would be exposed to light coming from above.

For variety, apply the process above on different basecoats:
  • Heavy Brown, washes, highlight Heavy Brown and Khaki, superhighlight Bonewhite
  • Khaki, washes, highlight Khaki and Bonewhite, superhighlight Off White
  • Bonewhite, washes, highlight Bonewhite and Off White
  • Off White, washes, highlight Bonewhite and Off White

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