
Monday, October 30, 2017

The temple of Seth (1)

We started off where the last adventure ended: in the bandit camp. Having discovered some leftovers, we looted everything, and had some luck by chancing upon potions and supplies. We also found a map showing the way to an ancient temple and treasure.
First of all, we headed back towards the village, to let Bloin know of our success. While we were away, the village was ransacked. We found it in flames, with bits and pieces of people all around. We did find tracks where it seemed a lot of stuff was dragged away (conveniently towards the temple), so we followed that.
On our way, the drag marks joined the cart tracks from the bandit camp, and we found the bandit caravan also devastated. Good. We also found two survivors: Footless Lazar and Scaredy Conrad*.

Although both men were in shock after the attack and they barely managed to tell us what happened (a hazy story about monsters ripping the carts apart and hacking off legs), we tried to get them back on their feet. Conrad joined the party. Zyn and Solid decided to hang back to help Lazar, as they were the fastest with the paladin's mount and the wizard's Quickling Step cantrip. Unfortunately, the footless bandit passed away, and the two rejoined the party.

Carrying on, the adventurers got to a clearing with a mound of corpses in the middle. Not only were they dried of any blood, but the surrounding meadow was also dried of any fluids. A creature was then observed behind the trees, and it attacked the party on sight, first summoning up a swamp thing, then more little gribblies.

Conrad dies from one hit.
The blue thing was kept pinned down until Stella the warhorse finally kicked it to death.
Solid and Groin beat the swamp thing down in melee.
Zyn failed horribly on the damage for Shatter, but at least he got away without getting hit.

After a night's long rest, Zyn awakens zombie Conrad and the party moves on.

A babble of voices leads the adventurers to a patch of quicksand, where a guy is tied to a tree off to the side and a maiden in distress is sinking into the quicksand. They pulled her out, leading to her transforming into an old witch and teleporting to behind Selene, threatening her with sharp claws.

She demands that the adventurers sacrifice the guy tied up, to which Zyn has no moral objections and prefers to kill an unnamed bandit to a party member dying. With the sacrifice done, the witch lets Selene go, but summons up her terrible "child" from the sand. Battle ensues.

The witch summoned a floating flaming skull, as well as a golem to help her, but the adventurers eventually prevailed. For the first time, we experimented with spells such as Darkness and Silence instead of pure damage.

* Conrad Fricosul si Lazar Fara-de-laba


  1. Lay on Hands
    Your blessed touch can heal wounds. You have a pool of healing power that replenishes when you take a long rest.

    Not that blessed :))
