
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Retouching a knight and adding a cobblestone base


A mini I found languishing in between my unpainted stuff. This guy was fully painted (but not by me), but was not based. I forgot to take a before picture. I decided to try something new, and create a cobblestone base using milliput and a custom rolling pin. I did not take pictures of the process, but it proved to be a success, and I'll replicate it soon enough.

Painting the cobblestone base

I followed the painting of my DIY cobblestones.

Basecoat black.

Drybrush Sombre Grey.

Lighter drybrush with a 1:1 mix of Sombre Grey/Stonewall Grey.

Of course, the recesses aren't as deep as the home-built cobblestone variant, so I added black wash to the recesses to create the illusion of depth.

Mount the mini unto the base.

Retouching the mini

I liked the paintjob so no repainting, but there were a few spots to retouch.

It's visible in the picture above how the helmet has a streak of blue. I corrected that and a few other spots with Chainmail Silver.

While the white half of his cloth is well shaded, the blue side was quite bland. I added Drakenhof Nightshade to the recesses and Electric Blue to the top of the folds.

I decided that the helmet looked to shiny compared to how grimy everything else is, so I toned it down as per traditional metallic armor

There were two more issues: the sword's bronze/gold handle also had blue streaks, and some leather pouches in the back were painted metallic.

I basecoated the crossguard and pommel in Bright Bronze.

And the satchels in Heavy Brown.

Wash both in Agrax Earthshade.

Highlight the bronze in Bright Bronze, then Glorious Gold.

Edge highlight the leather in Leather Brown.

Paint the rim of the base in black and we're done.


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