
Monday, November 6, 2017

The temple of Seth (2)

After a short rest, the party moved on from the scene of battle. At the base of a cliff, we noticed a cabin in the woods - with lots of smoke coming out the chimney! We hailed the cabin, but prepared for battle. Eventually, the proprietor came out to talk - he was just cooking dinner for his pet dinosaur.

We talked quite a bit, getting under his skin. Rexxar was a pretty nice guy with a quest of his own. He came from a line of fabled beastmasters (Warcraft fanservice, thank you) and he settled in this region to tame a dinosaur. His pet, Mishu was still a baby, so he couldn't go back to his family yet. He also let us know of the lay of the land, and the temple itself, which he had seen from the outside, but did not approach due to the horde snake people around it. That sounded like a lot of XP, so we decided to make our way there anyway. However, we got along with the guy so well that he let us sleep in his cabin (for some extra safety) and agreed to join us to rid the land of the interlopers.

The next day at noon we reached the entrance to the temple. We took a stealthy approach through the marshes and crept up on the two guards.

We tried to ambush them, but couldn't kill both before they raised the alarm, and reinforcements appeared.

A good combination of minions, casters and warriors made the fight interesting. With the help of the dinosaur and Rexxar, we prevailed.

Then, we entered the temple. As Mishu could not fit through the door, our companions stayed outside, on guard.

A set of great doors (marked by the eraser) were locked and bolted, so we decided to explore the rest of the temple first. Like any good adventurers, we split the party.

Solid, Szivem and Zyn took the lower level, finding some good wine and a diamond just good enough for Selene's Chromatic Orb (which we did not give to her at once, just for fun).

The rest climbed to the roof, where they saw a ship approach in the distance.

By the time we made our way back, the doors opened, and the temple's reptilian inhabitants jumped us. The boss monster, complaining about the lengthy ritual it just went through, shut all the doors through magic. We were locked there with them.

We did face minions and summoned creatures, but we disabled the boss and his caster buddy by keeping them in the dark (literally) either through Darkness or Silence.

Near the end, the boss monster unleashed his ultimate spell, instantly killing Groin and stunning Zyn. Fortunately, the other adventurers then overpowered and killed it.

We then entered the inner sanctum, and faced an imprisoned air spirit.

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