
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Painting horns

Similar to Skulls and bone. Also applies to tusks, teeth etc.

Basecoat in Bonewhite.

Wash Seraphim Sepia.

Wash half the horn in Agrax Earthshade. Here I'm washing the lower half, but you could go for the upper half, like here.

Wash the base of the horn in black. Alternatively, if the upper half got the Agrax, then wash the tip.

Highlight with Bonewhite. This depends on the structure and form of the horn.

Ridges get line highlights on the raised areas.

Smaller horns, fangs, teeth get an edge highlight.

Flat horns get either lines along their length...

... or stipling.

Curved horns get a glaze, on all the front areas...

... as well as parts that could catch the light from the sides.

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