
Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year's Miniatures Showcase

Inspired by my fellow Warhammer player and blogger, I decided to start the new year with a miniature showcase of my own. The catch is that I only intend to showcase my painted miniatures!

Warhammer - Chaos armies

This is, of course, the bulk of my collection.


The poor, neglected Dark Prince. 20 Daemonettes, 5 Seekers and a Spawn.


Coming in second by number of miniatures, with 20 Bloodletters and 10 Flesh Hounds.


Grandfather Nurgle had, until recently, easily dominated the other gods in my collection. 40 Plaguebearers, 3 Nurglings, 7 Plague Marines, a Spawn and a magnetized Daemon Prince/Great Unclean One.


The Changer of Ways got a jump start ahead when I opened and painted 2 boxes of Blue/Brimstone Horrors. Posts incoming soon! Also 10 Pink Horrors and 3 Screamers.

Chaos Undivided

9 Furies, 2 Daemon Princes, 5 Word Bearers Chaos Marines, and 5 Fantasy Chosen, also in Word Bearers color scheme, faithfully serving as my jump pack Sorcerers.

But wait, you would say, why has your collection not grown that much lately?

Assorted RPG miniatures

This is why. Knights, a bear, elves, assorted adventurers and villains, a hill giant, goblins, orcs and other fighter-type NPCs.

And frankly, I much preferred painting my DnD adventurers' miniatures than purchasing and painting 99 Pink Horrors for Curse of the Wulfen.


So far, they all fit on my desk, in the usual spot for miniature photography.

New Year's resolution?

No, I won't promise that I won't buy anything until everything is painted. This is unfeasible, with excellent providers such as my FLGS and the Chaos Daemons 8th edition codex soon coming out. I will strive, however, so that by this time next year, when I'll do my next army showcase, there will be enough painted miniatures not to fit on my desk!

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