
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Painting Brimstone Horrors (blue flames)


I originally wanted all of my Brimstones in traditional flame colors, but my wife convinced me to do something different. This is the blue squad.


Prime in white.

Dilute Electric Blue with medium and glaze all over the minis. Leave a couple of white-ish spots at the feet. Just like the regular flames, I assume the lower parts to be hotter (and thus brighter).

I got way too diligent with my glazing and did not leave enough white spots, so I did a white drybrush on the lower half of the minis.

Dilute Magic Blue with medium and glaze the upper half of the minis.

Dilute Drakenhof Nightshade and wash the upper thirds of the minis. This is as dark as we get.

Electric Blue drybrush to brighten up the faces.

Paint the teeth white. They should also be a hotter area, to present more menace.

At this point the teeth were too white and the bodies were too desaturated. I did an overall Guilliman Blue glaze.

The eyes are the last step. Base them in white.

Then paint Orange Fire. This is barely visible here, as the models tend to look downwards or at least straight ahead, and their eyes are deep within crevices.



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