
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Chaos vs Aeldari, tournament, 10.03.2018

Mission: Eternal War - Frontline Warfare; Maelstrom of War - Contact Lost

+ PLAYER : Vlad Velica
+ ARMY FACTIONS USED: Ynnari, Asuryani
==OUTRIDER DETACHMENT== [863p]– Ynnari – +1CP
HQ 1 Yvraine (Ancestor's grace, Word of Phoenix) <Ynnari> [132p] Warlord (Inspiring Leader)
HQ 2 Spiritseer (Quicken/Restrain) <Biel‐Tan, Ynnari> [45p]
FA1 8x Shining spears(144), Shining Spears Exarch (18) 9x twin shuriken catapult(45), 8x Laser Lance (64), Star
lance on exarch (10) <Biel‐Tan, Ynnari> [281p]
FA2 4x Swooping Hawks (24), Swooping Hawks Exarch (6), 5x Lasblaster (35) ) <Biel‐Tan, Ynnari> [65p]
FA3 4x Swooping Hawks (24), Swooping Hawks Exarch (6), 5x Lasblaster (35) ) <Alaitoc, Ynnari> [65p]
HS 1 9 Dark Reapers (45), 1 Dark Reaper Exarch (5), 9x Reaper Launcher (198), Tempest Launcher (Exarch, 27)
<Alaitoc> Ynnari ‐ [275pts]
==BATTALION DETACHMENT== [504p] – Asuriani, Alaitoc – +3CP
HQ 3 Farseer (Guide, Fortune), Witchblade (0) <Alaitoc> [100p]
HQ 4 Spiritseer (Conceal/Reveal) <Alaitoc> [45p]
HQ 5 Spiritseer (Protect/Jinx) <Alaitoc> [45p]
Troop 1 (5)Rangers <Alaitoc> [60p]
Troop 2 (5)Rangers <Alaitoc> [60p]
Troop 3 (5)Rangers <Alaitoc> [60p]
DT 1 Wave serpent (107), Shuriken cannon(10), twin shuriken cannon(17), <Alaitoc> [134p]
== Air Wing Detachment == [630p] – Asuriani, Alaitoc – +1CP
Flyer 1 Hemlock Wrightfighter, spirit stones (10) (Jinx) <Alaitoc> [210p]
Flyer 2 Hemlock Wrightfighter, spirit stones (10) (Jinx) <Alaitoc> [210p]
Flyer 3 Hemlock Wrightfighter, spirit stones (10) (Jinx) <Alaitoc> [210p]

Deployment: Spearhead Assault

Hawks and Bikes in reserves for the Eldar, so I put my Horrors in Deep Strike-denial formation. Nurglings up ahead to push back the advance.

Aeldari, turn 1

Hemlocks zoom forward, and the Rangers push up the board. Hawks land in the backfield for deep strike denial. 

My poor chaff faces the full firepower of the Eldar: 3 Hemlocks worth of Heavy D-scythes, and the 9 Reapers shooting twice thanks to Word of the Phoenix.

Chaos, turn 1

With the Hemlocks up ahead, I had no way of landing the Bloodletters and charging in, as they cannot charge flyers. I landed the Obliterators instead, hoping to down at least a Hemlock. Due to Hard to Hit, Alaitoc Fieldcraft and -1 to hit stratagem, I wound 2 but kill nothing.

Aeldari, turn 2

Flyers dance around and Reapers do their thing again, further decimating my forces and forcing me back to my corner. 

Chaos, turn 2

Still no useful place to land the Bloodletters, so I decided to wait. I was somewhat hard to table thanks to several characters and their positioning. I left a Hemlock in 1 wound. By this point, the opponent was already way ahead in points - I scored nothing.

Aeldari, turn 3

Bikes come in and clean the lower right corner.

In a move of "killing with kindness", the Rangers pull back, leaving some room for the Bloodletters to land.

Chaos, turn 3

And land they did.

Interceptor stratagem already kills 10.

Charge in! Eliminated Hawks and Rangers, but nothing of substance. Only 1 squad is safe from shooting, managing to encircle a Ranger.

Turn 4

The Eldar wade in with Smites to clear the Bloodletters hidden in combat. Multiple rolls of 11 and 3 on d3 kill all 20. The rest die to shooting. With only 4 models on the table, I concede. 20-0.


A fairly short game, and we got to watch the end of the other game, where the Imperials managed a narrow victory against the T'au. I heard tales of this list, based on which I could have conceded before setting up, but I wanted to see how it plays. It is simply brutal. I don't have an answer for all this. Not yet. I don't have the slightest inkling of how any Chaos list can beat this.

1 comment:

  1. The only way to beat a global meta tournament list is with another competitive list. I would suggest looking at proven lists and maybe tinker your own based on that. Ynnari is currently top leading in competitive scenery, but there are strong Chaos lists as well.
