
Monday, March 26, 2018

Painting the body of the Chaos Lord


I worked on the body and the sub-assemblies in parallel, so as to speed up work and waste less paint.

First steps

Prime in black. In fact, everything here was spray primed black, except the custom trophies, which I primed white by brush.

Paint the armor red as per the paint scheme.

And weather it. At this point I drilled out the exhaust pipes.


There are a couple of leg joints. I painted them the same as for the arms: Black basecoat and Heavy Charcoal highlight.

Reactor exhaust: same green gradient as for the arms.

For the gemstones in the left leg, I tried something new: the Citadel technical gemstone paints.
Basecoat Chainmail Silver.

Coat in Waystone Green.


Something different than the usual, because now, I have more skintone paints!

Basecoat Heavy Skintone. I also but a bit over the mutated leg, which was already basecoated in Bonewhite.

Wash Reikland Fleshshade.

Highlight in Heavy Skintone, then mix 1:1 Heavy Skintone and Pale Flesh.

The eyes are small and deep set, so I used Black Wash dots instead of the full treatment.

Fur and hair

I debated on doing the fur grey or brown, but finally decided on black for better contrast.

Basecoat black.

Drybrush with 1:1 mix Heavy Charcoal and Sombre Grey.

Same for the hair.

Wash black to reduce contrast.

Mutated leg

Basecoat the bird feet: Heavy Goldbrown for the flesh, Heavy Brown for the talons.

Wash the mutant flesh with Reikland Fleshshade, and blend with Carroburg Crimson where it meets the feet and the armor. Highlight in Elf Skintone.


As per the warm white cloak painting tip. However, since this is a larger surface, I first basecoated Bonewhite, then layered the Bonewhite - White mix.

Diluted the Seraphim Sepia with Lahmian Medium.

Layer again.

Mud on the cloak

Start with Typhus Corrosion. I did two layers, one thinner, for a thick swath of dirt on the hem.

Continue with regular paints. Sponge on 1:1 mix of Heavy Brown and Beasty Brown. Go further up than the layer of Typhus Corrosion.

Mix some Khaki into the previous mix and sponge on. Go even further up for some light mudspray.

Drybrush the mud with Bonewhite. This looks extremely well due to the small granules left by the Typhus Corrosion.

Dab on some Reikland Fleshshade here and there for color variation.

At this point I did the final weathering for the trophies, and the model is finished!

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