
Thursday, March 22, 2018

Painting the trophy rack


Just to mess around with as many of the local player base as possible, I opted for the following heads: Blood Angel, Imperial Fist, Space Wolf - and of course, the World Eater.

Painting the base colors of each individual

Paint the Imperial Fist with Heavy Goldbrown.

Then highlight Sun Yellow and recess shade Agrax Earthshade. No further highlights due to incoming weathering.

Paint the Space Wolf with Sombre Grey.

Then highlight 1:1 Sombre Grey and Wolf Grey, and recess shade Agrax Earthshade. No further highlights.

Paint the World Eater with 2:1 Heavy Red mixed with Charred Brown, then overall wash Carroburg Crimson.

Highlight Gory Red.

Paint the Blood Angel Heavy Red. Then recess wash Agrax Earthshade and highlight Gory Red. No further highlights.

Common details

There are cables connecting the respirator to the back of the helm on each of the 3, as well as the mouth grill. I painted it Black, then highlighted with Heavy Charcoal. (Not shown.)

Bascoat other details: bronze symbols (Bright Bronze), horns (Heavy Brown), bone (Bonewhite). The horns and skull then get the regular bone scheme. Wash the bronze symbols at the Agrax Earthshade step.

 Highlight with the base colors.

For the eyes, the two red helmets get green eye lenses, and the other two get red lenses. For the red, basecoat Heavy Red and highlight Gory Red in the upper right corner (gemstone style); for the green, do the same with Dark Green and Sick Green.

Already mounted trophies

On to the Blood Angel wing. (Yes, I know that's a Dark Angel helmet, but we don't have any DA players around.)

Basecoat Bright Bronze, then layer Glorious Gold.

Wash with Agrax Earthshade and Druchii Violet (you guessed it, let them blend).

Basecoat the rest of the details here. Heavy Brown satchel, Beasty Brown strings, Bonewhite parchment, Heavy Red seal.
Not sure what he's carrying in that bag - perhaps more... trophies?

Wash the whole thing with Agrax Earthshade.

Highlight with the original colors.

"Write" some stuff on the purity seal with Heavy Brown. Probably goes like this: "I'll kill a lot of heretics." Guess who did not fulfill his oath.


So far so good, but the trophies look brand new at this point. Maybe he washed the helmets after cutting off his enemies' heads? Nah, let's do some more weathering.

Sponge Charred Brown on the yellow and red.

Sponge Gunmetal on the gold.

Sponge Heavy Charcoal on the grey.

Sponge Chainmail Silver to highlight the damage. Keep a light hand and sponge fewer areas.

Glue on at this point.

Which was a good move, since I realized that the damaged helms are very shiny, and do not go well with the rest of the model. So I washed the spongemarks with Agrax Earthshade to tone them down.

Final weathering

I considered this an optional part, but I finished the rest of the model in time.

Dab on a bit of Typhus Corrosion, just below the sponge marks. Then apply Blood for the Blood God! in and around the cuts and bullet holes.

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