
Monday, March 12, 2018

Storm King's part 3 - Adventures in The Flying Castle

We decide that it will be better to have a "journey plan", so we decide to start helping towns starting from North to South. Our first destination is Bryn Shander, a wonderfully cold town, as we were to find out, as far North as possible. Even riding a Flying Castle, the journey will take a few weeks (would have taken months by foot).

While travelling with Zephira, we had time to chat about all kind of things regarding GIANTS and the Chaos that started this all GIANTS crisis.

First of all she tells us that the Cloud Giants are trying to gather the pieces of something that held the Giants together for millennia (I think some kind powerful of artifacts*).

It seems that we are the ones foretold to bring back peace and harmony to the world and that she will take us where we want to go in order to fulfill our destiny.**

As specified she was one of the Cloud Giants but there are more types of Giants in the world, some smarter than others, but nevertheless all in the pursue of gaining power.

I will just count them here organized by intelligence*** top to bottom: Storm Giants, Cloud Giants, Fire Giants, Frost Giants, Stone Giants, Hill Giants.

All these races/castes of Giants went BAZOOKA once King Hekaton was reported missing. King Hekaton was the last one that kept all Giants together, with the help of some powerful artifacts, after the supreme god Anam the Godfather**** turned his face from the world.

First Encounter

While the adventurers are spending quality time in the flying castle, one of them, the child sorceress Szivem, gets outside for fresh air*****. She sees in the distance six griffins****** flying towards the castle, while the griffins approach it can be seen that they are ridden by 6 humans figures. For some mysterious reason this doesn’t seem important enough to let the other party members know about the uninvited guests.

The humans dismount their griffins and enter the castle. They rudely ask for us to summon the mistress of the castle. Their rudeness in addressing the party and the hot spirit that some party members have quickly escalated into a fight*******.

They unleash some invisible creature from a bag and the fight starts, we “hit their fists with our faces” and “their weapons with our chests” but we manage to kill 3 of them while the whole party is bleeding or even got unconscious a couple of times. Seeing that the party bleeds more than one man******** can heal, Groin shouts to Zephira to come and see who and what these intruders may be.

Zephira descends from the top level of her tower and ends the fight peacefully. It seems that the uninvited guests are some messengers sent by another Giant (The prince of the Air) and they want to join forces with Zephira to rule over the world. This plan is not agreed upon by Zephira and she sends them back to their master with a refusal.

Fire still burns inside Ren's veins and he wants to start another fight while the messengers are leaving. Luckily for us Zephira does not allow fighting in her house so the battle will end before it starts and the messengers (only 3 out of 6 survivors of the first battle) take their leave.*********

Second Encounter

Another 4 days will pass and the same child sorceress Szivem, yet again misses to inform us that 6 dwarves  will arrive unexpected to the castle. They quickly drink some potions that transform them into flying lights********** and they fly towards the control room of the flying castle.

With them a Silver Dragon comes along and some battle noises and shouts are heard from above. Zephira uses some insults, in Giant, that only Groin can understand: “You father is a frog, and your mother is a salamander!”

Groin tries to speak with the lights (dwarves) but he gets no response. He assumes they are enemies so all the party members except Solid will try to climb to the upper chambers to help Zephira in her fight.

Once they are up, the dwarves transform back into their original form and they are trying to destroy the orb that seems to be the engine of the castle. We drove them back and kill some of them while they curse Groin and call him a traitor.

In all this time Solid tries to speak with the Dragon from outside but he only manages to get his life halved by the Dragon only using a hit with the tail. He comes back running into the castle.

The Dragon tries to help his minions (the dwarves) by attacking trough a hole in the ceiling. Tari manages to hit him with a couple of arrows precisely aimed at his nose. Unable to get into the castle and seeing his minions being killed or incapacitated the Dragon proposes a truce, he will stop the siege if we return his remaining dwarves to him.***********

The party and Zephira agrees so the Dragon takes his leave with a small defeat and the tail between his legs.************

* Artifacts of the lost empire of the giants. Nothing more. They are simply collectors and artists.
** She actually said nothing about peace and harmony. According to her sources, the adventurers are said to be able to end the giant crisis - one way or the other.
*** Many giants would find this offensive.
**** Annam the All-Father. But close enough. I always find it hilarious when the players misunderstand names (sometimes on purpose). So much so, that I sometimes forget to punish them.
***** The castle seemed to lack a toilet. I wonder how Zephira... ?
****** Giant vultures, actually.
******* That's what you do in real life, no? If somebody says the wrong word, you punch them in the face. WITH A FIREBALL.
******** Dwarf
********* I specifically had Zephira ask the adventurers, who were not able to give any sound advice on whether or not to agree. After they tried to kill the messengers. Geez. So then I had Zephira consult her sources, and she probably got some frightening answers, because she sent the men away. They even left her a good-bye present (which she passed to the adventurers). And then I had her do a Mass Suggestion to stop the killing.
********** Actually, floating clouds of gas.
*********** Again, Zephira was a pacifist and enclosed some dwarves in impassable and indestructible magic spheres. The pary's reaction? "Why aren't you letting us kill them?!"
************ I wonder if this will ever come back and bite the party in the ass. Eh, probably not.

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