
Monday, March 5, 2018

Terminator Chaos Lord conversion


Before painting, I had to prepare the Chaos Lord. I knew that I dropped him some time ago, but I thought I gathered all the pieces. Unfortunately, this wasn't so - he was missing his right leg. (Don't worry about the arms - they are magnetized.)

Replacing the leg

At first, I was distraught. I thought about green stuffing something, but I've never done something quite like this. Then a friend suggested a starting point, and I was inspired. Let Chaos bless this Terminator with a new leg!

Start by drilling holes:

And pin the miniature in place. Yarrrrrrrrrrrrr!

For the foot, I thought of bird-like claws. So I chopped off some Daemonette feet...

...and cut them down to size.

A larger lump of green stuff then surrounds the pin to construct the main structure of the leg, and holds the bird feet in place.

After about 24 hours (for the green stuff to dry), I applied a second layer of green stuff like a cylinder around the leg, then used a combination of hobby knife and toothpick to create this fleshy growth.

Stab the tool into the green stuff and pull it around, pull back, stab, pull around, repeat. I made sure to pull some over the armor and the bird feet to cover up where the pieces join.


The guy's bald, which made him perfect for some hairy conversion. I put a small piece of green stuff, like a skull cap, over his scalp.

Then let it rip with the hobby knife. The technique is the same as for the leg, but use a smaller blade, and small motions. I even managed to reproduce my trade mark swirl on the right side of the forehead.

Custom trophy rack

He has nothing on the left shoulder, which is unacceptable. Drill out two holes and prepare the trophies.

On the first spike, I decided to mount two loyalist Space Marine heads. I had some spare heads lying around. First I cut off the neck joint, then I gave them a cause of death.

The first one received a gash from a power weapon across the eye. Done with the hobby knife.

Then drilled through.

The second got a bolter shot to the head, using the pin vice. I then used the knife to create small indents around the hole, making it look like the ceramite cracked on impact.

Drilled a hole in the bottom.

On the second spike I mounted a Khornate Chaos Marine head. I forgot to take pictures. He put up a better fight than these lapdogs of the False Emperor, so he got both a gash across the head and a bolter shot in his right eye.

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