
Thursday, July 5, 2018

Painting a gnome wizard


It's been a while since I did commission work, but the MAGUS team needs a painted mini for the newest member. Introducing Felgrin, the gnome wizard. The miniature is made by Reaper Miniatures.
I initially envisioned this mini conjuring fire and having blueish clothing, but the "client" requested that he'd rather transmogrify the blade into bluish energy and have an orange coat instead. This is exactly the same color scheme that I wanted, only the colors are reversed, so I went along easily.


I liked how the ruins look on the base of this Aragorn mini, so I did the same here. This time, they represent arcane ruins. I masked the small hill that the mini is cast to stand on with home-made putty.


Prime in black.

Orange coat

Basecoat Heavy Orange. This looks suspiciously pink, but covers well and provides and excellent basecoat.

Second basecoat Hot Orange.

Mix 1:1 Hot Orange and Heavy Red for the interior of the sleeves and the underside of the coat.

Wash Fuegan Orange.

Looks like Hot Orange is too dark - the wash was barely visible. I washed again, with Agrax Earthshade.

Highlight with Orange Fire. Thick edge, but also highlight any folds - this also cleans up the wash.

Mix 1:1 Orange Fire and Sun Yellow for a thin edge highlight.


Basecoat everything in Heavy Brown.

Basecoat the boots with a 1:1 mix of Heavy Brown and Charred Brown.

Beasty Brown pants.

Gunmetal on the buttons and the clasps on the boots.

Wash the pants and boots in Agrax Earthshade. Also dot around the buttons for increased separation.

Highlight the metal with Chainmail Silver, the pants with Beasty Brown and the boots with Heavy Brown.

Extra highlight on the pants in Leather Brown.

Extra highlight on the boots with Bonewhite.

Which was way too stark for my taste, so I washed the boots again with Agrax Earthshade. This toned down the highlights just right.

Blue energy, sword and sash

Basecoat everything in Heavy Blue.

The magic part will be bright, so I went for something muted for the sash. Thick edge Sombre Grey.

Wash Drakenhof Nightshade.

Thin edge Sombre Grey.

Now work on the magic part and the sword. Each step on the magic whirl is a drybrush; on the sword, it's an edge highlight.

Magic Blue, then 1:1 mix of Magic Blue and Electric Blue.

Electric Blue, then 1:1 mix of Electric Blue and White.

Just a white drybrush on the whirl.

Guilliman Blue glaze, to marry those jarring highlights.

White edge highlight - selectively.


Hammered Copper basecoat on the crossguard, pommel, and some doodads sticking out of his sash.

Wash Agrax Earthshade, then highlight with Hammered Copper.

I drew lines on the grip of the dagger using Leather Brown. Not very visible, kind of pointless.


I like how Aragorn's skintone looks. I think the lighter skin that I used until now is better for female models, while male minis should get a darker tone from now on - see the painting tip.

The eyes still get the regular treatment, though.

Finishing off the browns

Black Wash on hair.

Highlight the hair with Heavy Brown, then superhighlight Beasty Brown.



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