
Thursday, July 12, 2018

Storm King's part 10 - Hide and Seek with Rautza

The barbarians seem to see us because:

You've been hit by
You've been hit by
A smooth Fireball

So, Annie are you ok?
Are you ok, Annie?

(Not many know that Szivem’s character is inspired by the LoL character named Annie)

We fight the barbarians for more than an hour because someone decided that it is better to use the greatest spell slot to cast Fear, not knowing that barbarians in berserk mode are immune to such feelings.[1]

The dice also helped cleaning up the barbarian hordes faster.

After a hard fight we finally kill all seen enemies and find a nice amulet that makes you immune to Divination, so at least the loot was worth it.[2]

As we didn’t let the barbarians break the ice that was blocking the doors, we find ourselves working the ice off the door before entering the next room. Luckily we have a Giant with us that makes the job easier.

In the next room the most impressive view is awaiting: In the middle of the room an 80ft tall statue of what we think is Anam The God Father (this joke will continue on), on the right and the left there are six smaller statues representing all six types of giants, all on their knees offering a weapon to Anam, except the Frost giant that seems to have his weapon lost or removed.

The stone cunning eyes of Groin immediately recognize the rare adamantium trident from the Storm Giant's hands and the mithril spear from the hands of the Cloud Giant.

Finally we see a portal surrounded by symbols and with a strange fog in the middle.

Rautza recognizes the first symbol as being Ice in ancient Giant. The rest of the symbols are a mystery to her as well.

How can we find what the portal does?

Touch the symbols they said, it will be safe they said.

Rautza touches the first symbol with her hand, and what do you think? It’s safe, nothing happens, not even a sparkle.

We touch the symbol next to the Ice symbol, this time is NOT SAFE ANYMORE!!! 3 Earth Elemental materialize from nothing, it seems this is a TRAP!!! [3] Roll for initiative!!!

Taken by surprise we manage to defeat the Earth Elementals, not an easy job. We still reach the conclusion that this must be the Hill Giants symbol, paying with our blood, but it was worth it.

What can go wrong? We touch the third symbol… SURPRISE AGAIN!!! Another TRAP each adventurer takes thunder damage from a nice storm aroused in the room.

There are at least 3 symbols we know nothing about, but there will be another time to tell that story. To be continued...

[1] Unlike the friendly Frost Giant, who kept running away and then running back. Hence the title of this episode.
[2] Quote: "That's it? Are you that stingy with loot now?"
[3] Probably the worst of the traps, as it took the most time to resolve.

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