
Monday, August 6, 2018

Storm King's part 13 - Fireball at 150ft

We decided before the game that we will play a prank on the players that missed the last session when we managed to solve the puzzle (Solid and Ren). Let them also solve the puzzle and see the HELL we’ve been through the last session. We won the DM to our side so we started the session in front of the puzzely portal again.

Solid (the one we like to tease as being the youngest in the party even if that’s not the case anymore, but he will always remain in our group referred as the young one) has been missing the last 2 or 3 games so he knows nothing about what happened. We summarize the last two sessions for him, what we encountered on the way, what we already tried on the portal, what hints did we find in the temple and so on. After thinking like a whole 10 seconds we says: “Let’s ask Rautza to use the axe we found in the dining room on the portal runes”. We still want the prank to continue so we don’t give up so easily: “OK what rune should she touch?” we ask. After about 5 seconds he replies: “Why don’t we start with the rune that didn’t trigger any trap when she touches it, the Frost rune”. And now the phrase used in the last chapter starts to make sense (even a kid can solve this puzzle).[1]

So the prank we wanted to play on them, turned around and transformed into a prank on us.[2]

Now we can continue our journey with the ship put at our disposal by Klauth the Great Dragon of the North.

The crew ask us how we want to travel, and there are two choices: day and night travel or travel by day and rest by night. Of course we wanted to get the artifacts really fast, so we chose travel day and night. The crew is not big enough to travel day and night and also fire the weapons on board, so we get the basic training on how to use the weapons and how to fly the ship, the second part is mostly Ren learning how to fly the ship.[3]

During our travels trough the sky we encountered some flying creatures[4] that approached the ship. We immediately assumed they are hostile (our blood boiling sorceresses fire upon them before we have the chance to even talk[5]). The fight starts and the flying creatures call upon their allies: some air elementals that will board the ship. In the heat of the battle fireball is cast to kill the evil[6] creatures. The creatures burn, the sky burns, even part of the ship burns, all this at 150ft in the sky, don’t worry we won’t die falling from this distance :)[7] In the end all that matters is that we won the fight and got a little closer to our destination.

We fly a while longer with no events until two manticores decide to try their luck attacking the ship. While they approach we start shooting at them with all we have, spells and arrows, after we kill one of them the other decides to fly away in fear, we like to think.[8]

The well known spell we like to use is fireball, every time we cast that in the proximity of the ship we are a little closer to destroying the ship, but as I told you before, we don’t care about being at 150ft in the air and having no wings[9]… Will we reach our destination? This question will be answered another time...

[1] Still rude.
[2] Good. I laughed way too hard at this.
[3] Proficiency with air vehicles came in handy. Who would have thought?
[4] Aarakocra.
[5] Hence the name of the post.
[6] Not sure who is evil at this point.
[7] 150 ft from the ship, not from the ground. A fall at your travel height would have been lethal. Trust me on this one.
[8] Yes, those are flying bears. Deal with it.
[9] Sigh. I really should have made someone fall out of the ship.

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