
Monday, August 13, 2018

Storm King's part 14 - Slay the RED DRAGON!!!

Our DM invited us over for this session (we usually take turns on who’s hosting the game night)[1]. We knew it was his birthday and he wanted to share a few drinks with us ON THE HOUSE.

We also prepared a “little” surprise for him. The surprise was getting just a little late so we stalled as much as we could for the surprise to arrive. Don’t get me wrong, we are masters of stalling[2] but this time it was really hard, even for such experienced stallers like us. It was about an hour and a half since our arrival and we did not start the session.[3]

Finally we started the session when a big RED DRAGON mingled in our plans.

The party gathers around to deal with the threat.

We all ride the dragon as hard as we can doing everything in our powers to bring him down.

Finally the birthday boy will give the final blow.

The Dragon is defeated and we all get our spoils of war.

Now that the big challenge is over, we can turn back to our side quest, reaching the Grandfather tree… (see previous session).

The female boss in charge[4] requests our help in flying the ship as the crew is tired and not sufficient to fly day and night at our request[5]. Ren can handle a flying vehicle, and he offered his services in doing exactly that.

While we peacefully fly above the realm[6], we are attacked  by a pack of barbarians that are boarding the ship ready to fight. Some of us are sleeping, Ren is flying the ship, so the barbarians have the upper hand first turn. They have a great tactic in trying to push us off from the skyship, but our strength is greater than theirs so none of us fall off the ship, while one of them will start his journey to the ground, presumably dead.[7] With the help of the crew we manage to kill the barbarians, but not without losing a few of the ship crew members.

We didn’t expect that a red dragon in the start of the evening will bring other dragons into our story[8], so imagine our surprise when a green dragon (not prepared by us this time) will fly on our ship and starts speaking with our two sorceresses: one of them because she's a dragonborn[9] and the other because she has the scepter of Seth: a powerful artifact that this dragon shows interest in.

The negotiations seem to be going pretty well, as the dragon promised to return with an object worthy of bargain in place of the staff.

Do you think we had enough dragons for the night? Of course not![10]

Another dragon, this time a young brass dragon named Denisa[11], who was in the process of gathering her treasure, as all dragons like to do, will fly across our path. Again our dragon language speakers manage to strike a deal with this young dragon: in exchange for 30gp this dragon will agree to escort us to our destination so we don’t encounter any threats on our journey.

With a dragon as bodyguard, even if it is a young one, we don’t expect any more surprises on our journey to come. Nevertheless we did not reach our destination this night.

[1] I hosted all the games in the beginning, but real life sometimes... intervenes.
[2] Yes.
[3] And people wonder why I drink on game nights.
[4] On a ship, they call such a person "captain".
[5] A couple of them died last session during the assaults on the ship.
[6] Going anywhere peacefully may be a first in our adventures.
[7] Very.
[8] What is this game called again?
[9] Draconic sorcerer. Although technically the dragon did not talk with her. She talked AT the dragon, who showed no interest at all.
[10] I may or may not have planned this.
[11] Not really, but at this point, I know that you are physically unable to remember any names.

1 comment:

  1. Váljon valóra az összes álmod! Boldog születésnapot!
    Why this is not in English?
