
Monday, November 12, 2018

Path to Glory: Nurgle vs Legion of Night, 07.11.2018


I've been looking for an excuse to jump back into Age of Sigmar. A local Path to Glory campaign looked like the perfect opportunity!
This is my starting warband, as well as my opponent's starting warband:

Check out the origin story of my warband here. I also decided to do these battle reports in a narrative style, given the wacky nature of the games.

Setup and deployment

Virulax looked over the too-barren landscape. A copse of dried out trees in the far distance, and nothing else but parched earth. This simply will not do. He exhaled, slowly, letting his fumes roll over the land. Not too far, near a collapsing structure, a Feculent Gnarlmaw sprung to life. Ahhh. Much better. 

In the distance, a single skeletal rider headed towards them. Virulax laughed, and brandished his blades.

Death, turn 1

The rider approached. At a wave of his hand, more riders burst from the barren earth. 

But that was the least of Virulax's worries. To the left, close to his precious Gnarlmaw, a huge Zombie Dragon landed, screaming its vengeance against all things living and demonic. Droning, Those Ridden With The Plague formed a battleline, but the Zombie Dragon smashed into them. The Vampire Lord atop swung his death lance, cutting apart the daemons. 

Virulax stopped laughing.

Chaos, turn 1

'Run away, children! Tend the tree!' screamed Virulax, and the Plaguebearers moved hastily.

'Engage them! They cannot get the altar!'

Death, turn 2

The Vampire Lord set his eyes on Virulax and had his undead beast jump into the air. The Zombie Dragon screamed, breathing his pestilent breath across the Plaguebearers, melting them away.

The Wight King waved his hand. Death magic filled the air, and the ranks of the Black Knights replenished in an instant. And then the skeletal rider charged, aiming his black blade at the Great Unclean One.

Chaos, turn 2

Virulax dipped into the unending reservoir of demonic energy that was his devotion to Nurgle. He filled himself with power, and unleashed sorcery after sorcery at the undead. The skeletal riders melted before his fury. But it was still not enough.

'Children! To me!'

5 more Plaguebearers materialized from thin air, wearing a look of slight confusion.

Death, turn 3

The Vampire Lord closed in. With a mighty roar, the Zombie Dragon lept over the stone wall. The Bearers of the Plague fought valiantly, but once again, Virulax had to watch his children perish.

Chaos, turn 3

Alas, Virulax dipped once more into the raw energies of Chaos. More Plaguebearers materialized near the Feculent Gnarlmaw - right next to an altar. Those summoned previously marched on, taking another one. Virulax sized up the Vampire Lord - and then retreated to the third altar. Blasphemous energies ripped the air open as Chaos itself showed its approval to the Great Unclean One. Hissing, the Vampire Lord took to the skies.


Bathing in Chaos, Virulax carved a thrice-cursed portal on the earth. More Plaguebearers marched out to replenish his forces. And with them, a Poxbringer.

'Grandfather Nurgle sent me. I am the Bringer of the Pox.'

Smiling, Virulax opened his arms.

'Welcome to the fold, my child.'

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