
Thursday, November 22, 2018

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #1 Game


Loosely based on Crucible of War - Ambush. However, I decided to simplify and/or disregard a lot of advanced rules, as this was the first Warhammer 40k game for my opponent, the player behind Alpha Squad. As such: skip the whole advanced rules section of the rulebook, no Seize the Initiative, no Stratagems, no Detachments etc. We focused more on the narrative, anyway.

Win conditions: minor win to eliminate all the enemies. Major win to inflict the last wound on the commander in melee, capturing the officer for later interrogation.


Alpha Squad deployed first, setting up the ambush. Two snipers in each building below. The rest of the squad hid in the tall building with statues at the entrance. They waited patiently until the rebel soldiers and their commander marched into view on the main road.

Alpha Squad, turn 1

Borgos and Karn kept hidden out of line of sight in the grey building, waiting to flank the rebels.
Gortez and Decarion opened fire, sniping a couple of rebels.
Grigor, ever the hot-headed, broke from cover to train his heavy bolter on the enemy, killing two.
Oberon hefted his missile launcher, not wanting to be outdone. Unfortunately, he was too hasty, and the frag missile exploded behind the rebels.
The rest of the squad staid hidden behind the ruined walls and status.
The firefight was on.

Rebels, turn 1

The rebel commander ordered her troops forward, intent on surrounding the few visible Scouts. Autogun and heavy stubber fire poured into Oberon, inflicting 2 wounds.

Alpha Squad, turn 2

The rest of the squad broke cover and opened fire on the rebels. 

Sniper rounds inflicted 1 wound on the rebel commander. Bolter and bolt bistol fire took off a couple of rebels. Grigor inflicted heavy casualties again, this time bracing his heavy bolter for greater precision. Cursing, Oberon hastily reloaded his missile launcher, but once again missed.

Rebels, turn 2

Cursing, the rebel commander directed the close combat squad to engage the snipers. The others surged forward, opening fire as they advanced. Out of cover, their autoguns injured the Scouts of front: Argus and Boreas.

Advancing behind a wall of fire, the close combat squad charged the snipers hidden in the ruins. The other squad charged the Scouts up ahead. Derex and Carnak hoisted their bolters and intervened, fighting side by side with their brothers.

Alpha Squad, turn 3-4

Firing their bolt pistols and wading into the melee, the Scouts fought on, eliminating the rebels one by one. The snipers were hard pressed, with Karn taking the brunt of the attacks.
Oberon, disgruntled, launched a frag shell directly on top of a rebel sergeant, obliterating him.

Finally, the rebels died, and the Scouts charged the enemy commander. She fought on, but no human can stand up to Space Marines in combat.

Rebels, turn 4

Without their commander, the rebels lost cohesion. They did not retreat, however, intent on taking Karn with them.

Alpha Squad, turn 5

However, a few lucky hits left the rebels dazed, and the snipers could retreat to the bottom floor. The rest of the squad opened fire, quickly eliminating the enemy.

Post Game

The lines on the right mark the number of kills. Grigor obviously in the lead, but almost everyone drew blood. 
Some levelups: Grigor leveled up and got exactly the upgrade he wanted, from now on treating his heavy bolter as an assault weapon. Karn learned a lot from the melee, upgrading to 2+ weapon skill. Carnak took his first step on the road to being a sharpshooter, upgrading to 2+ ballistic skill. Derex got tougher after beating rebels in melee, now sitting at 5 wounds.

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