
Monday, December 17, 2018

Painting the Poxbringer, Herald of Nurgle


This is a test model for another Nurgle-type color scheme. What am I testing for? You will see.

Preparation, priming and guts

The model has a hollow stomach region, with guts visible from the back. I decided to prime the model before assembly, for easy access to these parts.

Paint the guts in Elf Skintone.

Wash in Carroburg Crimson.

Then glue the parts together.

Fleshy skintone

Basecoat Heavy Skintone (not pictured), then overall wash Athonian Camoshade. For added color variation, dab in spots of Agrax Earthshade.

Glaze on some highlights using Heavy Skintone.

Wash the rips in the skin and the surrounding flesh in Druchii Violet.

Glaze on more highlights with Elf Skintone. The result is an interesting play between the original green/brown hues, the skintones, and the violet.

Edge highlight the skin with Pale Flesh.

Rusty sword

Another test using pigments.

Basecoat Gunmetal.

Prepare the pigments, and two older brushes for applying them: Vallejo Carbon Black and Brown Iron Oxide.

Coat the sword in matt medium.

Dab on the two pigments. Let them mix and overlap. Also leave some spots where the metal is shining through.

Drybrush with all the oranges that are available: Heavy Orange, Hot Orange, Orange Fire for color variety.

Edge highlight the patterns in Chainmail Silver. Also create scratches along the blade.

Skin details

Basecoat the tears in the skin and the pustules in Heavy Goldbrown.

Wash the tears in Seraphim Sepia, and the pustules in Carroburg Crimson. (The latter wasn't a great idea, as it blends too much with the skin color. On greenish models it works great, though.)

Highlight the pustules in Heavy Goldbrown, reestablishing separation from the skin.

Then highlight Sun Yellow.

Highlight the tears with a mix of Heavy Goldbrown and Bonewhite.

Superhighlight Bonewhite.

Superhighlight the pustules in white.

Other details

The horns on the back are pretty long, and so I wanted different from the usual Bonewhite basecoat. 
Wetblend Heavy Warmgrey and Heavy Brown.

Then treat as bone with all the washes. Highlight the base with Bonewhite, and drybrush the ends with Heavy Brown.

Bronze bells.

Paint the Nurgling in the light nurgly skintone.

Severed head

Basecoat Heavy Skintone.

Paint the hair Stonewall Grey. Use Heavy Brown for the stitches.

Darken the hair with Agrax Earthshade.

Wash the entire head with Athonian Camoshade.

Highlight the hair with Stonewall Grey, the stitches with Heavy Brown.

Highlight the skin with Pale Flesh. The contrast was way too strong, so I applied another layer of Athonian Camoshade after that.


Warlord Purple for the inside of the mouth.

Highlight the mouth with Squid Pink.

Paint the eye Scorpion Green, wash Biel-Tan Green, then dot highlight the middle with Scorpion Green.

The teeth/fangs get the horn/bones treatment.


Dark earth for the rocks.

Toxic puddle.

Green slime

UHU glue and Tamiya Clear Green paint. Mix with a toothpick - no sense in ruining a brush with glue.

Leave to set for a bit, then apply with the toothpick. I may have gone a bit overboard, but - this is Nurgle.


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