
Thursday, January 31, 2019

M.A.G.U.S. - Politics

After another hiatus, we ventured forth to find out what had happened to the brave adventuring party.
Shamil woke up in the care of his own assassin clan. Although they did not have enough resources to instantly heal everybody, the clan officer came up with the idea of hiring external help. Shamil had the choice to make, and he accepted the offer - it may or may not come with a price later on. At least they dodged the cute permanent damage table that I cooked up for them.

The adventurers lost all their mundane items. The team of assassins recovered their magic items and gold, but nothing else. They recuperated for a bit, and asked for clothes from the assassin clan. I made sure to describe their ill-fitting workman's outfits, as well as a children's clothes for the gnome.

Soon after, they were rushed to the council meeting. Conveniently, Valeria (who had already tried, but failed to persuade the council) had already met its members and could provide basic information on each individual. The adventurers quickly whipped up a rough plan of approach, and consulted Odos. The assassin leader would introduce them during a lull in the talks which usually happens after the first topic of the day is thoroughly discussed.

And so, the brave, brave adventurers stepped unto the council room floor and told their story. They were received with varying levels of interest. The council members then shortly retired for the scheduled lunchbreak. Time to do some individual convincing!

Odos was already on their side, so nothing to do there.

Kalad, the leader of another clan of assassins, was described to them as someone willing to take the lead. He seemed influential as well, with his entourage including one magic user. Athosian went ahead and charmed him seemingly with ease (was it too easy?), then tried some convincing during pillow talk. Looked like the guy wasn't too fond of half-elves, but his pride provided fertile ground to promises of power.

Thineas was the head of espionage of a mage-state. Felgrin tried some small talk, and had a modest success at engaging him.

Fariex was a local merchant - a very wealthy one, who had funded no small part of this joint venture. Shamil noticed that nobody wanted to play cards with him, so he went forth and lost some money to get on the man's good side.

Inogo was the archpriest of the local church of Antoh, goddess of the seas. He seemed more interested in dealing with his rival church, but was open to cleaning house of less important enemies first.

Jennia was the head of Valeria's order of spies (or so she put it), and was a magic user herself. I described her as 'literally Stiffler's mom'. This gave the barbarian something to do (also literally).

Last but not least, Baron Torrance was a local nobleman with ties to the far north. Athosian tried her charms on him too, but he was not blind to what had happened earlier, and refused to, and I quote myself, "do second slop". After this disappointing opening, he developed a dislike for the adventurers.

After lunchbreak, the adventurers introduced their idea of having a leader in times of crisis instead of the council always deciding. Kalad was proposed, and the motion was seconded, with only Baron Torrance voting against. The baron also advised against investigating Telicanthus. Well, we'll see about that.

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