
Monday, February 25, 2019

Green stuffing 3d printed giants (and more)


A bit late for our DnD campaign, the giants were finally ready. Well, not quite. They looked quite bad. But I wanted to fix them up as much as possible. Here goes nothing.

Fix layer shifts

I used my jeweler's saw to cut up the minis where layer shifts happened.

Then glued them back together. I did this for all of them.
In case of this cloud giant, I also pinned the mace where it broke, right below the head.

Fix arms

The arms were the worst, where most of the support columns connected. I wanted to mask that using bracers made of green stuff. First, let the green stuff harden a bit, so as to be able to use a rolling pin to flatten it, then cut it to size with the hobby knife. (Everything was dripping wet at this point.)

Put it on. I originally forgot how green stuff works (derp!) and used my hands, leaving fingerprints all along. Then I realized my mistake and used my sculpting tools. Much better results!

You can also see where the Storm Giant had to be assembled. The surfaces weren't perfect by a long shot, so I used long sausages of green stuff all along the edges to cover up the joint. I used my sculpting tools to push it into place. I'm curious to see how much they will be showing up under a layer of paint.


Sort of, kind of.


Green stuff comes very handy in lots of situations. For example I also fixed a broken key for my wife's sewing kit.

I also created a small handle for a piece of a puzzle for my daughter, to replace the original which had fallen out and become lost some time ago.

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