
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Storm King's part 16 - Achievement unlocked

We continue our quest in finding more of the “Lost Giant Artifacts” and our destiny brings us to Beorunna’s Well. This is a big grotto that only adventurers with “S” in their name dare to explore, and so Selene, Solid and Szivem descend into the grotto to look for the artifact. At this time the old Ren decides that it is better to stay on the flying ship to plan the escape if necessary.[1]

While in the grotto, Solid encounters an ancient evil monster strong enough to kill the entire party.

Luckily Denisa the dragon keeps her part of the deal as a mercenary for the party and defend us with the cost of her life.[2]

Seeing the great danger, the 101 years old Ren doesn’t have his young bravery so he decides to turn the ship back and fly away, only the big fire started by Szivem that torched half the forest manages to catch his attention and turn the ship back to recover what's left of the party.[3]

Although we lost the dragon as a powerful ally we managed to get another lost artifact in the shape of an ivory horn.[4]

We try to recover another artifact from the Great Worm Cavern but it seems this is the praying place of a big barbaric tribe and taking the artifact away from a horde of barbarians seems deadly and also wrong. We leave the place without the artifact.[5]

With 4 artifacts recovered it’s time to meet the Oracle again.

We now know the drill to reach the oracle's room and place all 4 artifacts in the center of the room. A voice is heard, the words are strong: "You have done a great deed for all giants! A new path lies before you!"

Three holographic figures are revealed from the artifacts, maybe they have something to do with the shell we are looking for.

We leave the Oracle room and decide to rest a little after an exhausting day that seems to never end.[6] And the feeling is accurate because the day is not over. A fierce dragon makes his entrance into the play. As we are beaten and exhausted this is no time to face such a strong opponent so we run… to be more precise the “S” party again  Selene, Solid and Szivem teleport outside while Ren is the only one who is actually running.

Rautza fights the Dragon to cover our escape. It seems that today lots of heroes give their life so the party may live.

Outside the temple we find the airship destroyed and it seems that the temple itself is demolished just as we reach outside.

We don’t know what to do at this time so Selene comes with the great idea that we should teleport back into the Oracle room. Bad idea as she would have teleported into solid rock. This was not a great plan.[7]

So with two party allies lost, RIP Denisa and Rautza, we find our way to Mirabar. In Mirabar we get intel that something happens in Triboar and Goldenfields and we should be the ones to investigate this mystery.

[1] With the chronicler not actually present at this game session, expect more than the usual notes.
[2] I loved this part. Selene's wild magic actually summoned a unicorn, who drew back from the fight. But a critical fumble (natural 1) rolled by Denisa mistakenly attacked the unicorn, who retaliated and killed the dragon after it was weakened by the summoned monster.
[3] The things kids do these days to get attention.
[4] After you desecrated the altar by moving it.
[5] This was an awesome encounter as well. The crew of the airship was rioting as they were sailing for a couple of days now without any food or drink (you know, no cleric to create food and water). So the adventurers decided to bargain with the barbarians. They had nothing useful to give to them. Except their bodies. The chieftain, a rough hewn brute, took Szivem for the night (think Khal Drogo and Daeneris in the TV series). His mate, an immense muscle bound woman, took both Ren and Solid. All three of them were left battered, bruised and bleeding by the experience. They also got an achievement because why not, hence the title of the article. Oh yes, and after all this, the adventurers visited the cavern, listened to the barbarians tell the tales, and walked away. THEY WALKED AWAY.
[6] When faced with a decision, always take a good night's sleep before. Nothing bad could ever come of that.
[7] Scratch the previous note.

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