
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Uprising on Mane Primus - Mission #4 Game


Loosely based on Crucible of War - Meat Grinder. I continuously added ork reinforcements to the table, and had all dead squads put to the side and returning on 4+. This built up a good narrative, and the scouts were able to pick off their attackers at first, with them getting overwhelmed only by the end.
I modified the available stratagems to better fit our play, and gave the scouts the chance to put down two types of booby traps: either 3" range that kill models on 5+ or 6" range that kill on 6+. Either cost 1 CP.
Note that several Scouts - those that were never knocked unconscious - have yellow paint on them.


Alpha Squad hunkered down on the hilltop, with the vanguard of the ork force in front of them.

Close to the hill, the scouts deployed three booby traps - all of them short range, but deadly.

Alpha Squad, turn 1

Small arms were out of range as of yet, but the snipers picked off a few orks here and there.

Feral Orks, turn 1

Screaming their warcries, the orks barrelled forward. Reinforcements also arrived, as more and more orks joined the fray hoping for a good fight.

Turn 2

Alpha Squad continued to pick off their foes at long range. Argus kept them at the ready, in a neat firing line.

 The first of the booby traps went off, obliterating a squad of Gretchin. The remainder fled in terror.

Turn 3

The orks continued to rush forward, into the bolter fire.

The scouts kept up the fusillade, and the snipers eliminated the banner bearer. But the greenskins were being directed by a warboss riding a monstrous boar, as well as two shaman and a second nob wielding a Waagh! banner.

More reinforcements kept coming, including a pack of unusually strong-looking gretchin led by a gretchin boss. They were ignored for now, as the orks in front presented an immediate threat.

Turn 4

More booby traps went off, decimating a squad of orks on the right and the squad of buff gretchin on the left. Seeing the demise of their comrades, the center orks had no choice but to be funneled into a narrow line - just as planned. A few of the braver ones risked the traps for a chance to get close to their foes, and paid the price.

Some even made their charges, including the monstrous warboss and the banner bearer.

Turn 5

Several squads of orks had made it into combat despite the heroic efforts of the scouts. Argus fought the warboss toe-to-toe, holding back the beast and occasionally scoring a wound until he was finally overwhelmed and knocked out.
The scouts made tactical decisions, eliminating orks in combat with bolt pistols and freeing up other scouts to shoot, then charge back in. In the swirling melee, orks and gretchin fell, and more and more scouts were injured.

Turns 6-7

By this time the action got intense, as the Scouts were fighting for their lives. All of them were wounded, except Borgos, who managed to hold out in his elevated position.

One by one, they fell, either to the weight of attacks by regular orks, witchcraft unleashed by the shaman, or strong blows by the ork leaders.

They also gave a good accounting of themselves, taking out the second banner bearer as well as the warboss, who took a krak grenade to the face for 3 damage and died instantly.


I loved how the Scouts were now having upgrades and were developing their own "personalities". At first, there were 4 sniper scouts with nothing to distinguish them. Now, we have two who shoot twice when they don't move, another who shoots at 2+, and another who hits at 2+ in close combat. Poor Decarion, injured last game, scored hit after hit despite the -1 and killed more orks then unlucky Oberon, who just can't catch a break. 
The law of averages hit back in the psychic phase: last game, the scouts denied almost every power; now everything got through, and they learnt to fear the mortal wounds.
At the end, I managed to knock out fully half the squad, and they had no CPs left to reroll the death chart. Fortunately nobody died, although we'll have many injuries to contend with next game.

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