
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Painting a tree man (awakened tree, wilden)


The current party of DnD adventurers had so far met 4 out of 6 of the previous adventuring party. They may or may not meet the remaining two some time in the future. This tree man from Reaper may or may not be Thrall, the wilden shaman. 


Prime in black.

Basecoat Heavy Brown. Overall wash Agrax Earthshade. While still wet, apply patches of Biel-Tan Green.

Drybrush Heavy Brown, then 1:1 mix of Heavy Brown and Bonewhite, then Bonewhite, going with a lighter drybrush at each step.

Paint the eyes Heavy Orange. Wash Carroburg Crimson.

Do the irises in Heavy Orange.

Basing and decoration

Do the base in the woodland style. After sealing, start to decorate the mini with additional greenery. I imagined him both having leaves of his own, and blending in with the surrounding vegetation. So a couple of mossy vines coming up from the soil and twisting around him, plus extra leaves (which I cut to size from larger plastic leaves).

Pubic leaves. Hue hue hue.

I learned that using PVA glue on plastic is a bad idea, as the day after all the small leaves fell off at the slightest touch. Use superglue instead.

This miniature took a hard fall and a piece of the base broke off. Fix it with putty, then paint it black.


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