
Monday, June 10, 2019

Storm King's part 20 - Triboar in ruins

We help the city and its citizens by putting out the fires all over the town and cleaning the streets to the best of our abilities (we are after all Adventures not Laborers).

Meanwhile we have time to chit-chat with the tavern keeper. She gives us useful information about a sword that is believed to have some kind of power over giants, the sword was last seen in the hands of Harthos. Harthos has a small castle somewhere near Silverymoon and maybe we can persuade him to give us the sword.

While we help the citizens all kinds of opportunities present themselves in the form of side quests: the Mayor of the city gives us the Triboar insignia to help us in Everlund, we also find new hints about Capusa[1], the never ending side quest…, another money making opportunity is to get 5 harnesses made by Othovir to High Forest and so on, anyway we never keep track of this side quests.[2]

While we are busy arguing about what quest to take next, the town is attacked by gargoyles.

People are getting grabbed from the sky and chaos descends on the town in ruins. Brave as we are, we dispose of the new threat in the best and only way we know how, KILL THE BEASTS!!! Well not our beast of course, because Sammael somehow manages to transform the paladin into one.

It seems that the gargoyles are the property of a mage that has his tower near the city. It is not long before the mage descends from his tower and comes to the city making demands and threats because someone just killed 3 of his pets. We manage to chill the things out after we argue a little bit but no harm, no fault after all.

We want our rest after a long and exhausting day, so we go to sleep for a while before visiting the mayor again.

BAD LUCK: we reach the mayor's office just in time to see her killed by no other than our “friend” Random, probably hired assassin this time. He winks and jumps out the window with a characteristic move. We try to bring the mayor back to life but her soul already left the body so there is nothing to be done :([3]

The Harpers and Zentharim fight over the power in the city so we give the edge on being elected to Urlam ( this time Zentharim wins).

We proceed in our quests just to find some spell scrolls and of course not the powerful sword we hoped to find.

Tired of wandering the lands we finally get back on track to saving the realm so we go to Goldenfields, this is the granary of the country, here is where nobody is hungry and all is peaceful, even the forest beasts are friendly here as we soon find out about the two bears wandering the streets.

Nothing is announcing what is about to come...

[1] I love this Weevil guy more and more.
[2] True
[3] Hue hue hue. I mean, oops.

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