
Thursday, July 11, 2019

Dark earth base with deep toxic puddles

These bases are proof of concept for a future project, and a test run for some Plague Drones. I decided to experiment on expanding on the toxic puddle by adding water effects.

Start by creating the 3D terrain. I glued two layers of cork on the bases, then used an old hobby knife to rip into it. It looks quite nice, but I did learn two lessons later on:

  • don't leave such a large gap at the edges
  • create fewer large puddles, rather than more small ones

Seal, then paint as dark earth.

The first experiment was to paint all the puddles with Heavy Green, then apply the water effects. It already looks... decent. Marshy.

With such thick edges, I decided to do the old 2D toxic puddle on them. While this still looks nice on its own, it's weird when next to the deeper puddles.

Inspired by the edges, I decided on a second layer for the large puddles, by painting their middle Sick Green.

Then applied the water effect. It's already better, giving it some additional depth. Although more realistically, the edges should be lighter and the middle a deeper color.

Marshy, but not nurgle-y enough. I added Nurgle's Rot after the water effects solidified.

But the best results are obtained like this:

  • create one transparent layer with water effects
  • lay on Nurgle's Rot
  • while this is still wet, pour on more water. This creates the slightly murky effect seen below.

Lastly, I removed the painter's tape from the rim only to discover that the Nurgle's Rot had flown in behind in several places, and I had to paint the rim with black to correct this (which is what I wanted to avoid in the first place). This is another reason to avoid the puddles at the rim.

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