
Monday, September 16, 2019

M.A.G.U.S. - Strong feelings

We started back at the cemetery, where we investigated the ancient crypt - and it had a tunnel leading inside (or outside?), but nothing else. We left no stone unturned, working 'til dawn, to no avail. It truly looked like an abandoned cemetery, with only a couple of fresh graves - these too a few years old. The corpses held no additional clues, except the lightning-wrapped ghouls having unnatural proportions and an unholy stink.

With no other leads, we followed our guide to the nearby village (which was somehow forgotten about until now) only to discover that all its inhabitants were inflicted with some disease or other. We overcame the initial distrust and talked to a charming fellow called Canitbe Joe[1], who shed additional light on some monster sightings. He claimed the village to be cursed (which we found no evidence of), but claimed they tried to flee, only to be taken by giant spiders. He pointed us in the right (?) direction, and off we were, promising help at a later date.

As we advanced into the swampy forest once more, we saw the tops of the trees covered in a white substance, which we now identified as spider webs. Well, this explains the conspicuous lack of birds on the island.

The night passed uneventfully, and we marched on. With no more clear path to follow - the spider webs were just everywhere - Eulalia remembered some nearby ruins. Sigh. The things we do for adventuring.

Another night passed, and Shamil dozed off on watch. To be fair, he'd been standing guard for 3 nights in a row, but he was also aided by magic to stave off fatigue. Then again, we were all covered in insect bites, so maybe he got poisoned by something. No other ill effects though, so we carried on.

As we approached the ruins, Athosian spotted movement up ahead. With eyes enhanced by magic, Shamil inspected the figures, discovering orange-colored lizardmen - one riding a huge multi-legged lizard![2] We snuck up on them using our nifty sneaking boots. While Shamil advocated an ambush, I favored diplomacy. As I stepped out, nervously flaunting my lack of weapons, I felt rather exposed (and sort of stupid). Fortunately, it paid off for once. The rider understood the common tongue and spoke it as well after a fashion.

The information we managed to pry out was vague but disturbing. The lizardmen arrived on the island about a month ago looking for their god[3]. They encountered some sort of human female witch, who offered them a potion that supposedly enhanced them. The sample did that indeed, but the actual product turned every one into stupid, hulking brutes. They threw it into the swamps.[4]

To top it off, the lizardman offered us weapons and slaves (?) in exchange for killing the witch. I turned around and suggested taking the offer, while winking conspicuously. And so we did, trudging after them into the ruins. We talked through our plans with Shamil using telepathy on the way.

We arrived at the ruins, and we were greeted by the witch. Well, greeted is an understatement. Upon seeing us, she said: "Oh, so glad you made it! Execute the rest and come into my chambers." As we stood there, dumbfounded, Shamil and Biznard turned their weapons upon us, and man/spider hybrids assaulted the lizards.

The witch left, trusting her minions to do the job. Trust well founded I would say. Shamil started by backstabbing Cahir, cutting through his armored shin. At least Biznard resisted the lure, throwing down his weapons and looking around, confused. Cahir and Athosian needed no prodding, and they descended upon Shamil. A well placed arrow pierced his right hand to his chest thanks to a rare critical hit! Seeing his friends descending into madness, Biznard bull rushed them.

Seriously injured, Shamil's basic training kicks in, and he goes full-on assassin on his perceived enemies, breaking Athosian's arm. My dice failed me, and I made no sense of it all.

With everybody fighting close quarters and barely being able to discern friend from foe, I decided on a blunt solution by trying to knock everyone out. Ring of fire! It proved a lot less efficient than I hoped for. At least it attracted Biznard's attention, who rushed and kissed me, hoping for some of that sweet mind control. I was unable to cast it like that though, and so I was left powerless until Cahir knocked the barbarian out from behind. Given his serious injuries, I immediately poured a strong health potion down his throat. He was still under the influence, but resisted successfully - just enough to get the mind control in.

Behind us, Shamil inflicted another devastating hit on Athosian, knocking her out. Immediately after, he snapped out of the haze, and recovered by dumping a potion down her throat. The motion was misinterpreted and Cahir charged him, but successfully failed.

Bashed aside, Shamil had trouble focusing. He was clearly fighting us just a moment ago, after all. He dove for his fallen blade. A quick prayer from my side made him crash into an invisible wall and kept him from getting up - just in time for an armored boot to the face! Enraged, Cahir knocked him out.

Just across, the fight was also winding down, with the lizardman caster fighting the remaining spider hybrid.

Cliffhanger ending! It was pretty late in the evening, so we decided on picking up from here next time.

[1] Asking for his name, we got the answer: 'He gives you his name.' Sensing the opportunity for mischief, I asked: 'Can it be Joe?' The DM nodded, and the next instant, Shamil addressed the man as Canitbe Joe. We laughed way too hard at it, and it stuck. (HU: Lehet Joe)
[2] Yes, it was the same type we encountered and killed on the volcano island.
[3] Probably a charming fellow, given that his uttered name provoked feelings of dread and slipped out of our minds at once.
[4] The monsters and overgrown animals started appearing around that date, and I'm sure it's just a happy coincidence.

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