
Monday, September 9, 2019

Menace in the Zarek Valley - Epilogue

And with that last, epic game session, the "Menace in the Zarek Valley" campaign had come to an end.
The ending was intense, but a lot shorted than I originally planned for. Perhaps it was better than to drag it out. Perhaps not. I did have to leave out some details; the infiltration of the castle was a bit sketchy. I also intended the journey through the Underdark to last longer and be more fierce, and for the adventurers to face more traps throughout the castle. While playing, I realized that I condensed it more efficiently than originally intended: it was already late in the evening, and there was only the final boss battle left. The players agreed that we should play it out, and we carried on into the night on an epic journey of battling evil.

The idea to have the characters from our first adventure appear in the this campaign sprang into my mind as soon as Ireth made her appearance as a PC. Alla was but a portent of things to come. The ending, where Random and Nixi busted in to rescue the evil boss hooked into an interlude we had between campaigns, where we demonstrated role-playing to the new players - and Nixi turned to the worship of the evil god of knowledge, Vecna. Some players are still waiting to find out what happened to the other characters. They may not have to wait long.

I also made sure to have a cliffhanger ending, like any good series should. At this point I already had the book for Storm King's Thunder, and I made sure to have something to tie it into. Even the black uniforms at Beverna were brought in to be later fleshed out as the Zhentarim.

And... that's it. I will not reveal more of the inner workings of the plot at this point. The adventures still carry on, and the party battles ever greater threats to the world. And they don't know the half of what is about to come!

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