
Monday, November 25, 2019

Storm King's part 28 - We did things

In the escape from Hekaton’s prison ship somehow Solid got himself turned into stone[1], so Selene got him in the “bag of moulding” before we teleported out of the ship.

We reach Hekaton’s place all ill by cold[2] and one stoned paladin[3]. Fortunately we have a cleric between us to restore us all to a healthy form.

Szivem will not stop talking with the Solid Stone hoping he will get better.

In the end, ending the condition affecting the stoned Adventurer falls into the hands of the cleric or the fate, either way we get our Paladin back.

Hekaton holds a great council with the youngest of his daughters[4] and the uncle that seems forever loyal to him.

The conclusion is that things needs to be restored and that we have to convince or kill the giants  that do not accept Hekaton back as their rightful king.

We hope to get more info from the Lords Alliance that supposedly had something to do with Hekaton’s disappearance. Even if we do have a small rank Lords Alliance member in our party we find that either they have nothing to do with the kidnapping or they don’t want to share info with low ranking members .

With no clue what so ever we head to the Stone Giants habitat in order to announce them about the King’s Return.

The area is destroyed, it seems that these stone giants have made a mess of things in the time Hekaton was missing...

[1] That's what you get for rummaging through the captain's cabin and his trapped treasure chest.
[2] That's what you get for swimming in freezing waters with no cold weather gear to speak of.
[3] Hue hue hue.
[4] Princess Serissa

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