
Monday, January 6, 2020

Storm King's part 31 - Items or Bodies, the BIG question?

The three living party members: Tari, Groin and Sammy reunite in invisibility in the treasure room.

The living party is horrified to see their friends' bodies being brutally desecrated by the giants. The giants take the naked bodies and drag them away. Now the question occurs: Should we loot the giants' treasure room or follow the giants who are dragging our dead friends away.

You may think this is an easy choice[1], well it should have been if all of us had the Good alignment. Luckily for the dead guys Tari and Groin take the moral decision on following the bodies, Sammy comes along, with a tear in his eye and his mind set on the treasure.

More horrors await the adventurers, as the bodies are crucified on the rocks outside the caves as a warning for whoever will try to adventure in the area again.

We wait for the giants to finish this disgusting work and leave. After that we take the bodies of our fallen comrades  and drag them to the nearest village/town.

From our savings we manage to pay for the resurrection of Solid. The other two need to wait a little longer. The boys sell everything in order to “buy” Selene’s resurrection. Even in our poverty, we also manage to buy some cheap staff as the mage arcane focus.

This is the time that belonging to a guild comes in handy, Sammy goes to the Zhentarim and asks for common clothes and some food to get us through the days to come when our pockets are clean and empty.

Then it’s time to head back to the Greypeak Mountains to get back our fallen friends' gear.

On the way we are kindly welcomed by a party of dryads. We like their songs and we listen to it for like… a month, A MONTH!!!

When we are finally free from the dryads' charm we find ourselves near an altar of the Goddess Durna. She requires a sacrifice of some kind. Tari is kind enough to hunt down a stag and it seems that the Goddess is pleased as she blesses us with some extra HP :)[2]

We reach the mountains filled with the Goddess' blessing and fight everything in our way. Ten barbarians and two giants are not a  match for our boosted party.

 We kill them and reach again the treasure room and indeed we find most of the gear our party lost.

Our quest is not over yet… The Stone Giants boss is still alive...

[1] I never thought that. Not for a moment.
[2] For some reason I was in the mood for random forest encounters. I think the adventurers tried a shortcut through the woods.

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