
Monday, February 10, 2020

Path to Glory: Khorne vs Tzeentch

Battleplan: The Temple of Sigmar

Temple in the center, two statues of Sigmar as additional objectives.


The pack of Flesh Hounds barked and bayed at the heels of Arbra'Gax, while the Bloodcrushers took up position opposite the menacing coterie of Tzaangors on discs. 

Battle round 1

Arbra'Gax was busy whipping his hounds into a frenzy, letting the initiative fall to the despicable wizards. A few sorcerous bolts split the air, but the Brass Collars burned white-hot, absorbing the magics. Intimidated by the barely-restrained Juggernauts, the Tzaangors flew across the field, seeking the relative safety of numbers along their wizard masters.

Outraged at the cowardly attack, Arbra'Gax howled, sending his minions forward. The Bloodcrushers, dismayed that their prey flew away, lagged behind...[1] but the Flesh Hounds closed in, and crashed into the wizards along with their master. They could have held back, simply taking the temple by being there... but that is a cowardly victory, unfit for Khorne![2]

The Bloodflail was true, but fate itself seemed to intervene, saving the Magister.[3] Arbra'Gax then crashed into the Tzaangors instead, hurting the Shaman and killing two Skyfires. The Flesh Hounds tied down the wizards, but failed to kill any.

Battle round 2

Fearing the towering monstrosity, the wizards unleashed all their sorcerous might... still not enough to take down the Bloodthirster. And reinforcements were closing in quick... 

Battle round 3

Another round of sorcery spelled the end for Arbra'Gax, and he retreated from this reality howling in rage.

Battle round 4

The tables had turned, and victory seemed at hand for the sorcerers! Reality split, and Blue Horrors marched out, gleefully occupying the temple.

But the Daemons of Khorne were not done yet. The Bloodcrushers, enraged by the lack of bloodshed and the banishment of their master, charged into the Horrors, annihilating them all... only to have Brimstone Horrors pop into existence instead!

Battle round 5

The wizards put all their might into another, desperate push... but the Bloodcrushers held fast, and ground the Brimstones into sparkling dust. The temple was theirs to desecrate, and the magisters slinked away in the confusion.


Minor victory! And yes, I know that I gave up the major victory, but I really, really did not want a 1-turn game. We showed up and put miniatures on a beautiful table. Why go home after 10 minutes of play? The enemy general calling it "a gentlemanly game" was a reward by itself.

On to the analysis, such as it is. 

The Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster did well, although I should pick targets more carefully. The Bloodflail can easily kill a hero per turn, unless fate intervenes to save on a 6+... I should have gone for a Tzaangor Shaman instead, which would have had no save at all.

Flesh Hounds were a complete disappointment in combat, although they are fast and can unbind spells, so they have their uses.

Bloodcrushers proved to be very slow, being useless for 3 turns, until the action came closer to them. They need better placement if they are to earn their keep. They have some hitting power, but not as much as I expected.

[1] Running an extra 1".
[2] I decided not to win by objectives on the first turn, as that would have been an awful game.
[3] Fate dice 6!

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