
Thursday, February 13, 2020

Uprising on Mane Primus - Finale Game


Alpha Squad took up positions on the ruined outskirts of the palace. Facing them, the 10th wave of rebel militia prepared for the assault. For additional details about the mission, as well as the campaign rules, click here.

Battle round 1

A strafing run from the Lux Imperatoris, commanded by Veteran Sergeant Danicus, raked the front lines of the assault force. Both Spawn bled, but their warp-infused flesh remained intact enough for them to advance on the scouts' positions. Long range shots were exchanged by missile launcher and sniper rifle, to no effect.

The scouts reloaded their weapons, and prepared for the second round of shooting.

Battle round 2

The air rumbled and the ground shook, as the rebel positions were bombarded from low orbit. Macro cannons and lasbatteries raked the front lines around the palace, doing much damage to the rebels. These particular forces, however, were not much affected.[1]

But then came the rapid insertion elements of the Imperial Fists strike force! Raising plumes of rockcrete dust, drop pod after drop pod slammed into the ruined plaza. Tactical Squads rushed out, brandishing bolters and missile launchers. Finally, with a pop of displaced air, Epistolary Jeraiah materialized alongside a squad of Terminators.

Screaming their battle cries to Dorn and the Emperor, the Space Marines opened fire!

Cultists died in droves, but the Chimera was still intact. Elite troopers wielding plasma guns ran out of the transport, opening fire, downing a Tactical marine. But the Omnissiah was also watching, and the corrupted machine spirits of their weapons backfired! Foul sorcerers backed up the assault, but the Terminators were imbued with Jeraiah's power, presenting an indomitable Psychic Fortress.[2]

But then, the Word Bearers arrived. Blasphemous Machines[3] belched thick prometheum smoke into the air. Corrupted warriors sang unholy hymns to the Ruinous Powers.

With a flash and a crack, the veil of reality split, and ancient warriors in Terminator armor marched out onto the field.

The Heretic Astartes opened fire, gunning down some marines and damaging the Drop Pods.

Battle round 3

The astartes and their dark brethren exchanged long ranged shots, but the bloody work of melee was yet to begin.

With additional Thunderhawks having landed in the back, the rest of the reinforcements arrived on the battlefield. Gunning his bike, Brother-Captain Lexandro headed straight for the enemy Terminators. Above, a Stormtalon gunship shrieked through the air.

Danicus commanded the Lux Imperatoris on a final strafing run, aimed directly at the Terminators. One ancient warrior fell to his knees, intercepting most of the blastwave for his Lord.

Lexandro then overcharged his plasma gun... which blew up in his face, leaving the captain unconscious.[4]

Seeing their captain down, the Fists redoubled their efforts. Their firepower brought down most of the Chaos Terminators.

On the far end of the battlefield, things got bloody as well. The Fists' firepower took its toll, taking down the entire squad of Havocs, and decimating the squads of Chaos Marines and Berzerkers.

Then came the close quarters fighting.

Assault Terminators charged into the Chaos Vindicator, grievously wounding its corrupted hull.

Terminators walked through the Chimera as it if wasn't there, its armor no match for the Fury of the First.

Inceptors, having landed on the flank, engaged their jump packs, obliterating a last remaining Chaos Marine.

Victory was at hand! Or so it seemed, until the air all over the battlefield began to shimmer and shake. Jeraiah screamed at the psychic backlash of reality tearing to bloody shreds, as host after host of daemons walked out into the material world. The dark rituals of the Word Bearers had been completed at last!

As if it wasn't enough, the numbers of the attackers started to show, as more and more reinforcements arrived unto the field.

Insane screams and ululating cries rent the air, as the remaining Word Bearers Terminators, backed up by sorcery, trundled towards the Fists.

Deamons and heretics discharged weapons and magics at the Imperial Fists, who endured, bloodied but unbroken. Then came the charge of the insane masses!

The scouts quickly found themselves fighting for their lives as well, assaulted by the lithe Daemonettes of Slaanesh.

Bloodletters climbed the buildings, clambering over their fellows to get to the Suppressors. Below, Lord Rogan held off the Chaos Lord and his Sorcerer by himself.

Battle round 4

Fate itself seemed to force the combatants' hand[5], and time seemed to speed up[6]. Guns blazed and chainswords roared, felling heretics and daemons alike. At the end of the day[7], the Fists stood victorious, their lines broken, but not shattered. 


We packed up in a hurry and left the shop just in time. Luckily, I managed to ask the shopkeeper to take a photo of us: the guest star from the Ulpia campaign, the GM, and the star player of Mane Primus.

[1] Preliminary Bombardment.
[2] Literally.
[3] Also literally.
[4] A hilarious moment, and a great throwback to the Ulpia campaign, where Lexandro had achieved this feat at least twice. You can't make these things up!
[5] The gaming store was closing...
[6] As we hurried to get things done.
[7] We played through a rushed turn 4 for the Fists, and on my turn, I just counted up my (possible) points, with a sudden death at the end of battle round 4.

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