
Monday, March 2, 2020

Daemons of Khorne vs Adepta Sororitas, 2020.02.29


The sisters deployed first but made me go first, as I hid everything out of line of sight. Two squads of Battle Sisters screened for the Retributors and the Exorcist, huddled around Junith Eruita and her Canoness sidekick.

Battle round 2

We might as well have skipped round 1, as I did not dare show my face. Unfortunately, due to the Hammer and Anvil type deployment, this meant that everything not deep striking was too back to support effectively.

At least we made it in, and almost annihilated the screen - 4+ invulnerable saves saved the leftmost squad. The Bloodletters the consolidated into the Retributors. With the heaviest shooters tied down, it looked like a field day for the daemons.

Unfortunately, I was then informed that they can fall back and shoot with a stratagem.

This is what's left of the Bloodletters after a shooting and fight phase:

Battle round 3

... nothing. I tried a desperate last ditch effort to charge in with everything, but nothing made it where it mattered.

Battle round 4

I had only the Skullmaster left. I could have withdrawn, tried to save points... but: Blood for the Blood God!

Unfortunately, 4+ saves kicked in and I killed nothing else before going down.


Clear loss with a score of 500-130ish points.

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